Avengers Assemble... to kidnap some children?

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Tony's pov.

Why does it always have to be me? Why can't I just have a day to myself? Why can't I have one day without the old pirate calling an emergency meeting?

"-ony are you listening to us?" I was broken out of my thoughts of self pity by the Star Spangled Man with a Plan™.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm listening"

"Well then what were we talking about" bow bow siwa said, trying to catch me off guard..... well that part worked.

"Ok maybe I wasn't listening" I sigh

Fury gave me one of his death glares "I need your team to catch a suspected terrorist."

"Is this really an Avenger level threat" Scary Russian Lady said with a scoff

"Normally it wouldn't but this kid has a concerningly small file. We know next to nothing about him. I tried to fix that little problem, but ever agent we sent after him has either been knocked out and left in an alley or lost him by a hill in Long Island." 

........wow that is probably the most words I have ever heard Fury say

"wait, let me get this straight, you want us to kidnap a child and bring then into you for questioning?" cap said with a shocked look on his face.

"I hate to agree with Capsicle, but I don't think we should attack a kid"

"You will capture and bring in this kid, am I clear?" when Fury didn't get an answer he glared at everyone

"I said, AM I CLEAR?"

I decided to speak up "Fine, but only is we bring him into the tower and Nat questions him"

"Ok you can bring him into the tower and Nat can question him, but only if you bring in anyone that might be with him. They might be accomplices."

"Deal" we both got up and shook hands.

"Here is his file" Fury slapped a thin file onto the table, and then walked out of the room.

"Well I guess we have a kid to find"

AN: I'm really proud of this one! Let me know what you guys think, and make sure to have a good day :)


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