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AN: I feel like I'm really bad at naming these chapters. If guys have any suggestions on a different name I'll change it. Anyhoo ON WITH THE STORY.


Nico's pov.

I was really worried. I didn't want to take off my shirt. I know that Will said it would be ok, but that didn't do much to soothe the bundle of nerves in my stomach.

I took a deep breath and took off my shirt.

I almost gasped. All of my scars were gone! Every single one! I knew it was just an illusion that Will was doing, but It was still pretty amazing!

I can't help but wonder, is this what normal kids my age look like? Probably.

While Bruce started doing some tests, I started to fantasize about having a normal life.

However, my train of thought was cut off when I heard some one speak.

"How are you going that?!?" Clint exclaimed.

I was confused at first, that is, until I followed his line of sight and saw Will. He had his hand raised slightly, and it was pointing at me. His fingers were glowing a little, but when he saw everyone looking at him he dropped his hand.

"I'm not doing anything." He said with a grimace.

All of the Avengers gave him unconvinced looks.

I sighed, this is why you don't let an Apollo kid try and cover up something.

Cap opened his mouth to say something, but he never got to say it.

He was interrupted by a gasp. I guess Clint was just feeling over dramatic today.

Again everyone turned to look at whatever Clint had noticed this time.

Unfortunately, this time, it was me.


AN: I know that the taking off the shirt thing is overused, but I really wanted to try and write one.

If you guys have any feed back, please, let me know.

Hope yall have a wonderful day :)

love ya <3


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