Does everyone know this strange language?!?!

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italics = Ancient Greek


Bucky pov.

Did I miss something important? When did Peter get here and why does he already know the children we kidnapped?

Well lets find out "Wait, you guys already know each other?" 

"Well yeah. I've known them for a long time." Peter said while walking into the kitchen

I glanced at Nat. One thing was for sure, we were going to find out everything we can find about these kids.

All of the rest of the Avengers and the two ragamuffins (AN: old people talk for children) headed into the kitchen to question Peter

Tony asked the next question, "How do you know them" 

yep he was definitely slipping into his over protective helicopter dad mode.

"Well I met Will after my parents died and I went to camp. Now that I think about it, I didn't meet good old death breath over here until way later." Peter explained. Well that didn't give us very many answers. In fact it gave me even more questions.

Nat must have been thinking the same thing "What is the name of this camp and where is it  located?" She questioned.

"Am I allowed to tell them?" Peter questioned in a language I have never heard before.

"You probably shouldn't." Nico answered in the same weird language that Peter had spoken in.

"Well he should if they are important to him" Now Will was the one talking. Does literally everyone know this language except me?!?!?

"They are important to me, they're my family." Peter said with a determined look on his face.

"Ok. Everyone, there is something I have to tell you." Peter said, this time in English.

Tony walked over to Peter and put his arm around his shoulder, "You know you can tell us anything bud."

Peter took a deep breath before saying, "It's about my parentage."


AN: Hmm I wonder what that could mean

Let me know who you think Peter means by that ;)

Love yall <3


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