Chapter 1

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Dying would probably be a better option than going to this event. The king, who seemed foolish enough to throw a party with the rival kingdom, should probably just hand over his title to the prince. Because doing this under the guise of peace was one of the most ridiculous things I'd seen in a hell long of a time. And as the most powerful sorceress of the decade, attending this farce is kind of my obligation. If only Dove, my little more-than-friend, were here to keep my eyes entertained. Maybe then it wouldn't be as torturous as I imagined. This had been the only positive thought I had about this party since last week, when the king informed me of it. So even though I loathed parties and drinking with my enemies, I donned a long dress, its fabric shimmering with diamonds in the colors of the kingdom flag and made my way to the ballroom.

As I passed through the grand, golden doors of the ball venue, the warm, intoxicating aroma of roasted meats and exotic spices filled the air, mingling with the crisp scent of fresh flowers. The scent of wine and perfume lingered like a heavy fog, intensifying the already oppressive atmosphere. The ballroom was a sea of colors and textures—rich velvet drapes in royal blue and gold, shimmering chandeliers casting a golden glow, and a dance floor covered in intricate patterns of marble. The lively music, a blend of harp strings and flutes, was both exhilarating and overwhelming.

Maybe, the kingdom of Valeria had changed with the death of their despised king during the War of Two Crowns. Perhaps now, they were merciful warriors seeking peace. What a thought. I was surprised they even showed up. But when I noticed that the twirling dresses were not confined to the kingdom's colors of yellow, pink, and light blue, it hit me. What was I thinking? That the warriors would cower in shadowy corners, sipping their drinks quietly? No, they were not all so subdued. Some were indeed laughing and dancing energetically on the floor, their attire ranging from navy blue and deep gray to black and crimson. Some even remained in their armor, though I suspected it was merely for show.

I scanned the room for a servant and grabbed a large glass of wine before retreating to the garden to hide, as was my custom. At least until the king summoned me for some excruciatingly polite presentation, full of fake smiles and insincere kindness. I took a long sip of my wine and looked up at the night sky. How did I end up at a party with the kingdom that had slaughtered my family? I'm only alive because of my mother. She hid my power with hers, ensuring I wouldn't be discovered and killed. Just the thought of my family felt like a tight noose around my throat, so I forced myself to stop. Later tonight, the king would introduce me as his son's girlfriend, not as the most powerful witch of the decade. The very people in this room, no more than 60 feet away, are the ones who annihilated all the other witches.

A sudden sound of footsteps pulled me from my dark thoughts. I turned and saw the prince approaching with his characteristic grace. His footsteps on the gravel pathway were soft yet decisive, like the whisper of silk against stone.

"Miss Shadowthorn," the prince said, his voice carrying the formal cadence of his station.

"Prince Evander," I replied, bowing my head slightly.

"May I?" he asked, extending his hand as if to invite me to walk with him.

"Of course," I said, making space for him.

"So, why are you hiding in the garden again?" he asked, his tone laced with concern.

"And why are you speaking to me so informally all of a sudden?" I shot back.

"Because my father stopped looking at us, and possibly listening."

"Of course," I muttered, glancing at the tulips blooming in the cool night air.

"I – I need to talk to you about something," he said, suddenly looking embarrassed.

"Go ahead."

"You know that when my father demands something, I don't really have a choice, right?" I nodded. He took a deep breath, his cheeks reddening slightly as he continued. "So... last night, I kind of sneaked out of the castle to see Mira and..."

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