Chapter 3

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The king's office is adorned with rich tapestries and a large oak desk. The room is filled with an air of anticipation as I enter. The king, visibly worried, rises from his chair a I approach. It's a life-or-death situation, and my fate hangs in the balance. The ruler gesture and the seat in front of him and says:

"I see that you got my letter." My hands shake, so I tug them between my legs, hiding my fear. I'm torn apart between denying my actions, or admit them and try to find an understanding, what is very unlikely. I take a deep breath and respond.

"I did your highness. And I dare to guess I'm not here because you wish to hear what really happened."

The king gets a book out of his desk drawer and put it at my view, the title in gold, saying: civile code of Velaria. Evan's father opens the book and read what is wrote there.

"I quote word for word, Any Velaria citizens is forbidden to have any romantic exchange with someone the same gender. Public execution must be practiced, in any doubt of this behavior against the gods, unless the sinner accepts to be treated."

  I audibly swallow, looking the king in the eyes. This is bullshit. Treated. they think it's an illness.

"With all my respect, your highness, I have no interest in women, I strongly believe that someone is playing behind your back."

The king put his elbow on the desk and look up and down at me.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, miss Shadowthorn." I lift my chin, before asking:

"And why would you think that I'm lying your highness?" I pray to the god of luck to be with me, because death is getting close.

"You have lipstick on your neck." I freeze. I probably do.

I feel my face flush with embarrassment. I quickly try to come up with an explanation, my mind racing. But as I look into the king's eyes, I can see that he's not convinced. He leans forward, his gaze intense, and says, "Miss Shadowthorn, I need the truth. Were you with miss Cornelia in the hallway earlier tonight?" I'm caught. I might at least say half of the truth.

"I was, your highness."

He scratches his bear and ask:

"So, you admit that you and miss Cornelia met in the corridors earlier tonight?"

"I do. The thing is, we didn't have any physical interaction like you seem to believe strongly." I look out the window, the sun slowly rising.

"Then how, sorceress, do you happened to have lipstick on your neck? I will save you talking in vain, I will meet miss Cornelia soon enough, but know that you are in the obligation to marry my son, in ten days." He doesn't know. He has no idea his son is taking the boat very soon, flying away with his lover. It's my chance. I accept and run. I have no idea how, but I will. I leave tomorrow. I won't let the king kill me. If I can't leave, I will fight. I won't make that easy for him. I'm stronger than him, angrier.

I simply nod, waiting for him to say I can go. He speaks one last time:

"Go see the teller tomorrow. I want to know how many heirs you'll give my son. And don't think you got away that easily earlier tonight for no reason. I knew you would mess up soon enough for me to use that against you. You're not that smart" fuck him. He can go to hell. My rage grows inside me, my powers still not fully contain without Dove help. I put my rage aside and walk away as soon as he orders to.


When I'm back from the office, I immediately go to bed, trying to sleep. It's in vain, obviously. The only thing I'm able to do right now is the think about a plan to escape. Evan won't be here when the king will wake up. He might even be already gone. I'm happy for him, he will be living happily. The thing is that a part of me is mad. I'm in this shit alone, without anyone. All the people I cared about left me. But I don't have time to complain. I must act. If I can't sleep, I will at least use the time for something important. So, I change into pants and one of Evan shirt he once gave me. I stuck all my gold marks into a small bag, that I tie around my waist, and put a coat on top of everything, making sure it was the one with the hood. I kept my dagger around my leg, faking being able to defend myself without my powers. I redo my braid, lace my boots and silently walk to the kitchen, getting an apple and some bread, and I go out, running away, while de guards are talking. They let me out. I have nothing to lose. The rising sun light reflect on the far away ocean as I get out of the castle walls. I first thought about stealing a horse from the stable, but guards were changing shift, all awake, so I decided to hide into a boat, that would go away soon enough.

I was running through the streets, my braid trailing in the wind as the first boat were quitting the port. My heat was racing, knowing that I might be giving my life away, running away from the king order. I wouldn't be safe anywhere now that I left. I wouldn't come back, never. I still had a considerable way to go.

Once I reached the first few boats, I started walking, putting my hood on my head slowly choosing the ship that looked the safer. Somewhere too big, some with too many merchandises and worst, most were Septinian boats from the party. It took me a few minutes of walking alongside the port before choosing the boat. It looked safe, well equipped and had a perfect spot to hide, behind some boxes of goods.

I made sure no one was on the boat before climbing on board. I quickly crouched behind the boxes I had noticed, making myself the most comfortable and little as I could before the boat leave. It smells bad, probably fish, but it is better than being executed. I had a thought for Dove, who I left behind. I'm selfish for doing that. But I couldn't go back. Or maybe I could? Regret filled me. I had to go back for her. I was willing to take that risk. I got up and started running again. This time, toward the palace. It was a big take. An enormous one, a take that could cost me my life. But right now, in that very moment, I knew deep in my heart that I wouldn't live well knowing I left her to her execution, when it was my fault as much as hers.

I ignore the pain in my legs as I see the entrance of the palace ward. All my mind can think about is Dove.

Dove, Dove, Dove.

I arrive at the gate, at the guards. They look at me with a wondering look, before the youngest of them ask: "Why are you out of the gate so early, Divine survivor?" That stupid name. I hate it so much. It makes the others from my kind look weak. I clench my teeth and respond.

"I went to the teller under the king's orders. Now, you must let me past. I have information to pass" I raise my chin, hiding my fear. The guards slightly bow before letting me in. I walk calmly acting like nothing is happening.

Once I enter the castle, I run to Dove room, hoping she's still there, and not underground in the cells. I loudly knock at her door, nervously biting my nails. I knock five times. If she doesn't respond, it's too late.

Dove opens the door at my relief, but look bad.

"I'm going to die in a day." She says. I take her hand and enter her room, closing and locking the door behind me.

"No, you aren't. Now listen to me carefully. You put pants and a shirt on, a coat if you have one, and you come with me. We're getting out of here."


"We don't have time. Hurry."

Ten minutes later, we leave the castle, walking to the gates, hoping nobody knows yet.

After a nervous run through the main village, we arrived at the port. there's only two boats left. And none are the one I chose earlier.

"We must take this one. It's the only one without a person on it." Dove nods, she's terrified, and I wish I could reassure her, but the time isn't there. I help her on the boat, before getting in as well.

Once in the boat, I find a place to hide. This boat is bigger than the first one. this ship as a room. But we would easily be found hiding it the only room, so I found a place behind three barrels, hoping my larger body would allow Dove to hide as well.

Its only after an hour that the boat left the shore, finally leading us to a safer life on new grounds. It's not going to be easy. We're going to have to change our names, our story, and live like we don't know each other's. Maybe Dove will find a man she loves and build a family, but I'm a lost cause. Dove looks at me, horror mixed with anger, and try too gesture something, that I only understand when she can't hold a cough. She claps her hand on her mouth, as she hears footsteps approach. We both freeze, eyes wide, as the white-haired women from last night head appears above the barrels and says with a wicked grin:

"Hello trouble"

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