Chapter 6

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The sun had dipped below the jagged peaks of the mountains, casting long shadows over the land as the dragons settled onto the grass. The ground, now softened by the twilight, offered a cushioned landing that made it easier for us to disembark. Haos, the immense dragon, seemed utterly drained of energy. Its shimmering scales, once bright and imposing, now appeared dulled. Haos had used its magic to hold me securely in my seat, grumbling about how I was "always falling like a weak child." Its voice, though distant, conveyed a mix of exasperation and concern in my head. As the dragon rested its head beside its mate, its large eyes gradually closed, surrendering to exhaustion. Perfect.

I seized the opportunity to escape. Without a second thought, I turned and sprinted away, driven by a desperate need to distance myself from the warrior. This might be my last chance. My heart pounded with adrenaline as I glanced over my shoulder, only to find that she remained by her dragon's side, unmoving.

After five minutes of reckless running towards the dense woods, it dawned on me why she hadn't pursued. Nakaligtas, having taken to the sky, now appeared directly in my path. The dragon's roar pierced the stillness of the evening, and a wave of hot air blasted against my face. It wasn't fire, but a searing gust of wind, a fierce reminder of her power.

"You don't fucking move, sorceress," the dragon's voice boomed, its tone filled with a mix of anger and authority. Without further warning, Nakaligtas massive claws reached out and ensnared me. I was lifted into the air, dangling precariously as the dragon flew, the wind whipping fiercely around me.

The sky was soon set ablaze with the fury of Nakaligtas. Wait. Not Naka. She is carrying me. When dragons use their abilities, they usually glow a little. She doesn't. but Haos's does. in the prairie, a soft glow shine. A lightning storm erupted, casting jagged streaks of light across the darkened heavens. The storm mirrored the chaos I felt inside. As we soared above the churning sea, The warrior dragon released me. I plummeted from the sky, my braid streaming out behind me like a dark ribbon caught in the wind. My magic responded instinctively, crackling with the lightning that illuminated the night sky.

A faint scream escaped me before the impact with the icy water. The cold shock seized my breath, and before I could react, something seized my ankle. It wasn't just anything—it was the skeletal grip of a mermaid. Her cold, bony hands tightened around my leg, pulling me down into the depths of the ocean. My scream was muffled by the water, as I gasped for air, but none came.

Panic surged through me as I unleashed my magic. My veins surged with crackling lightning and thunder, a violent symphony that clashed with Haos's tempest above. The dark waters churned with the arrival of more mermaids. They grabbed at my hair, arms, and legs, their shrieks assaulting my ears as they dragged me deeper into the abyss. The pressure of the water was suffocating, squeezing the life out of me, and my power seemed to drain with every labored breath.

Desperately, I drew my dagger, its cold metal a small comfort against the overwhelming darkness. I swung it blindly, the blade plunging into the heads and hearts of my assailants. Despite my efforts, the water's pressure and my diminishing strength overwhelmed me. I could feel my consciousness slipping away, my soul drifting towards oblivion.

Just as my vision began to blur, a new figure emerged from the darkness— phoenix. She was the last thing I saw before the edges of my consciousness faded into the void.


Hi:) I know it's a really small chapter, but like I previously said, my motivation and energy are very low. I have a lot of exam, so i take all of my free time to study when i feel energized enough. I hope you still enjoyed this tiny one, and i wish to  be back soon to continue telling Sorana and Phoenix story ;) Have a good week, and thank you so much for the 100 views on my story 🫶

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