Chapter 5

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The sun had fully risen above the mountain when I finally dared to speak again. Phoenix was attempting to catch some fish, her movements precise and focused, her breath forming small clouds in the cool morning air. I wasn't sure if she wanted me alive or not.

"I-I'm sorry if I went too far earlier. I understand." She blinked, her eyes reflecting the shimmering sunlight as she took a deep breath, her scent mingling with the briny sea air.

"I'm sorry your lover left you," she responded, her voice steady but edged with something like empathy.

"Dove isn't my lover."

"What is she then?"

"I don't know what she was, but now, she's no one."

"You're a liar." The warrior's voice was cold, cutting through the warmth of the sunlit morning.


"If she's no one, why were you with her in the hallway? Doing... more than kissing."

"That's none of your business."

"I'm trying to be nice right now."

"You still have a long way to go."

The conversation grew increasingly awkward, the tension as palpable as the salty sea breeze. I couldn't stand the discomfort any longer. I decided to move to the other end of the boat to look at the sea, the surface glistening under the sun's golden rays. The boat rocked gently with the rhythm of the waves, the texture of the wooden planks under my fingertips slightly rough and weathered.

I knew I didn't like her. Maybe it was because she was arrogant and self-centered. Maybe it was because she was the one who got me into this mess, or perhaps it was simply the fact that she was a warrior. I didn't know how to act around her. She didn't seem to understand how to have a conversation, despite my attempts to reach out. Plus, she refused to tell me why she was keeping me on the boat.

Far off, dark clouds began to gather, their menacing shadows slowly encroaching on the clear sky. I hoped it wouldn't turn into a thunderstorm. If it did, my powers would resonate strongly with it, likely causing a disastrous mess. Suddenly, a burst of red pierced through the clouds, revealing an enormous dragon flying directly toward the boat. Phoenix's dragon.
In an instant, I heard Phoenix scream, her voice high and piercing through the tumultuous sky.

"Come here right now!" Something inside me screamed to listen to her for once, so I moved quickly, shivers running down my spine as I approached the warrior. "You don't fucking move."

"W-why?" My voice trembled slightly, betraying my fear.

"That's not my dragon."

"Who is it to?"

"No one, but it's Naka's mate. He won't hurt me, but you..." As if in agreement with Phoenix's words, the clouds surrounding us grew darker, and rain began to pour down in heavy, stinging sheets. "You don't move, understand?"

I nodded, the rain soaking through my clothes and chilling me to the bone as the red dragon drew nearer. Phoenix seemed to communicate with the dragon effortlessly, and its expression softened, showing less anger. After what felt like an eternity, Phoenix spoke to me again.

"You're coming with me."

"W-Where?" She grabbed me by the arm, dragging me toward the dragon. In an instant, my feet left the ground, and I was atop the dragon. Panic surged through me; I was sure she was going to kill me. However, Phoenix quickly transitioned from warrior to rider. She secured her boots, handed me my coat, donned her own, and carefully braided her hair into a crown before leaping onto the dragon's back. The dragon, a creature of stunning red scales and formidable size, hovered close to the boat, its powerful wings creating gusts of wind that whipped through my hair.

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