Chapter 2

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I push Dove off me as fast as I can and look at the warrior slowly getting out of the shadow. Dove, look as I feel inside, what mean bad and terrified.

"Don't panic. Your secret is safe with me." She says having a no so discreet look at my half Nude breast.

"Why would you keep it? You're a warrior." I said putting the top of my dress fully back on my boob.

"What does being a warrior have to do with this situation?" She says getting closer as I slowly start to see her face. She is absolutely stunning. She has white hair, I found it strange at first, but it's what make her so stunning. She lowered her green eyes a little to look at me "Well, well. You girls -" she said looking at dove, but I cut her.

"Don't look at her like that." I said, making sure that the dagger I had hidden under my dress, around my thigh was still there.

"Like what?" She murmured. She's so arrogant. If she weren't a warrior, I would probably punch her in the face.

"Like you want to Fuck her." I responded. "Dove?"

"Yes?" She looked terrified.

"Go. Go back to the party and act like nothing happened." I said making eyes contact with her. She nodded and ran away.

"What make you think she's the one I want to fuck?" The warrior said getting closer again and again until barely an inch separates us. She lifted her fully tattooed arm and hand to my face, and I took a step back, out of her reach.

"I don't know for you, but I wouldn't even touch you with stick." I replied in a little breath.

"Wow. That hurt. You should probably go after her now."

"You didn't respond to my last question."

"And what was it?" She said.

" Why would you keep our secret?"

"For me." She touched my arm, her hand rough from sword training and then, she walked away. Without another word, she went back to the darkness. Where she belongs.


I didn't go back to the party. Not after what happened. I couldn't stop thinking about that warrior. I tried to make my power relax but it didn't work. I really needed Dove. But I can't make her come in here and sleep with me when she wasn't the one I thought about when I came back. I thought about that white haired woman. Her forest green eyes. the only things she didn't have was being a septinian instead of a velarian. And being nice. It felt illegal to feel this way about her. Someone knocked at my door, I got out of my bed where I was sat with my book and open it. What was there was horrific. One of the royal guard stood in front of me, a letter in hands. He handed it to me with a serious expression, and I looked carefully at it. The king handwriting.

My hands trembled slightly as I opened it.I started reading it, hand my heart stopped. My mouth was as dry as paper and I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. If someone saw us...

miss Shadowthorn, I had words from an anonyme source that you and miss Cornelia were seen having an interesting exchange tonight in the hallway. I am asking you to come at my office right now. Without your... lover? If it is the case, you know how it works, I'm sure of it. And before you think I wouldn't kill my only sorceress, you're wrong. I don't need you, Sorana Shadowthorn. So, get to my office, and we'll Search for a solution. if there's one.

My heart skip at least three beats as I finish reading the letter. Panic grabs me by the throat, and my power ignite in my veins, begging to come out an destroy the danger coming toward me. The guard cough, trying to get my attention, before saying:

"You must put more clothes on before meeting the king, sorceress."

I look at myself in the glass and realize I'm only wearing underwear. But right now, it's the last thing I'm worried about.

"Say to the king I'll meet him in ten minutes" the royal guard nod, and head back to the king's office. I close the door, and finally let the panic take me. I'm dead, Dove is dead, and that stupidly attractive warrior too. That sneaky bitch. My hands start to glow with lightning power, and I take some deep breath, before dressing with the first dress I saw, and quickly putting my hairs in a braid.

I walk through the hallways and for the first time, I really sense the sight of people on me. I feel like they all know. My hands get sweaty, and I rub them against my dress.

I should have known better than doing that in a fucking corridor the night of a ball. Why wasn't the king at the party, with the other one? How can he- my thought stops right there, when I see Evan, heading toward a door.

I jog toward him, saying his name, and when he finally turns around, I finally see it. He is with Mira, his lower rank lover. She's perfectly blending in with a dress he must have ordered from the dressmaker, beautifully accentuating her curves, her pregnant curves. My eyes widen, and I come closer, asking if I can take a moment with Evan. The prince come with me, and I ask, still terrified with what was to come:

"Is the baby yours ?!" he nods, looking at me as I add: "you're having a baby. You know she's bearing your heir, right?"

"I do. But it's not an heir." He smiles.

"you're having a baby girl!" I hug him tightly. If I'm heading toward death, I might at least be nice to the people who matters.

"Yes, and I want to raise her, so were running away." I blink, realizing he's renouncing to the throne. I'm happy for them, for a second, before I realize why I'm in this hallway, and that the king will be there for longer and has no longer any heir

"Your dad knows." Evander freeze, before asking:

"The baby or your sexuality?" my hands shake, as I open my mouth to speak,but a guard yell my name before I can reassure him. I look at him one last time, happy, before going to the king's office. I take a deep breath, smiling for my friend,as I head toward my death.

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