Chapter 7 ~Phoenix pov~

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Whoever that young woman was, she was stubborn as hell. She got herself drowned and poisoned by mermaid venom just to escape me. I act tough. I know I do. But I'm not. I hate everything I am and everything I do. And her trying to escape so many times in a day... it went exactly were I didn't want it too. It had been 2 days. I had brought her on Naka, even if Haos had strangely insisted on carrying her. I had to hold her. It had been my first physical touch in 20 years. I would have cried. If it wasn't for the reason I had to touch her. If it wasn't for the reason I had her on my boat, the reason why I hadn't touched anyone in so long. Naka and Haos had went.... Somewhere. But I was more than sure I didn't want to know where they were, and even worst, what they were doing. So, going on my third day in Elias's castle, I sat next to that woman, and looked at her. Really looked at her. She had beautiful black hair, the total opposite of her piercing icy eyes. I remember them, I see them even when she has her eyelid are closed. Her touch had been warm. Even in frigid water. She had lashes most women would kill for, soft fingers, freckles, and absolutely no scars. Visible, at least. The creatures had hurt her, and her clothes had become full of blood. But I couldn't bring myself to touch her again. So, I had asked Isla to change her. As beautiful as she was, I couldn't bring myself to it, like it had become foreign over time. Even as she slept, I could see what I saw in me. The uncertainty she had for herself. I just felt it different. Mine was over my personality, my feelings. But I feel like hers seemed... physical. That thought brought me to look at her body. She was bigger than me, but I had always thought it was prettier. Her curves, everything was... perfect for her. She has everything I ever found gorgeous. The bigger chest, the full lips, the soft skin, the bigger stomach, the full thigh, everything about her was soft and delicate. I was wondering where her hatred came from. It had kept me awake these past two nights, how a female so pure could have so much anger in her, how a woman Like that, who seemed to love everyone could hate me. I knew the first half of it, obviously, she was mad because I had killed her people. She doesn't know-

Someone knocks at the door.

"Yes?" I say in the void. Then, the door slowly opens, to reveal the two persons I needed, for emotional support, but mostly for their skills.

"Hey." Isla said, entering the room with two cups of coffee in hands. I smile softly at her has she hand me the mug, and I ask her:

"Do you think she will wake up soon?" Elias looks at me, probably wondering why I care, I hadn't had the time to tell them the full plan.

"Any moment now. You should probably go for a bath." The couple grins, and I raise my arms to smell my armpit, no need to act civilize around them. I laugh softly and look at them.


Elias replies with an amused tone "No worries. Go wash and take care of yourself before we leave."

I nod, and thank them for watching over her, before I walk to my room.


The water of the bath was starting to get cold when someone knocked at the door and said:

"She's awake." Nothing ever made me get out of bath faster. Maybe now that I proved I wasn't interested in her death, she would be nicer. Maybe she would be disposed to listen to what I have to say. I dressed and jogged to her room. Elias followed me but raised his tone.

"Phoebe!" I stopped and smile at the memories this name Brought. For a second, I saw us back as children, running under the bright sun, our soul's innocent and bright, as we were exploring our land, laughing and sprinting down hills. Eli catches up on me, and says:

"Before you go inside. I don't know what's happening between you and her. I have no idea why you're acting like that for her, but you need to know, there's something in her... something powerful. Her eyes glowed when she woke up, like lightning strike." I nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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