Chapter 4

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It seems like we're drawn to each other's doesn't it?" I look up at the warrior, and says:

"Turn the boat around. I prefer dying than staying with you."

"Ho no, Trouble. You're stuck with me."

"And why so?"

"I'm on a mission. I have no time for your existential crisis. Now that you're on my boat, you will help me if you don't want to finish eaten by the sharks." She responds coldly.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Stop arguing and get out of there."

Dove is probably terrified, because she immediately gets out and stand. She whispers something that sound a lot like get the fuck up. I do it for her.

"Good. Now leave me alone" she walks to the front of the boat, in a determinate walk.

"How? You won't let us go away."

"I-I could you at least leave me to Servina?" Dove spoke. Servina is a small village at the south maybe two hours from here, where her aunt lives, but why not take me?

"And what about me? You just leave me here?"

"I don't give a shit about where you will go Sorana. I don't care about you anymore. You put me in a deep hole. I'm sick of it. You made me fall for you, then you broke my heart, and now I have to exile myself from my home. Deal with the fact you are trouble. literally." The warrior grins at the mention Dove made.

"So, you just leave me with that?" I say pointing the white-haired warrior. "I fucking came for you. To save you. I could have let you die and just stay on the first boat I was on. I'm stuck with her because of you, and now you leave without me? That's nice." I raise my voice at her "You know what? I don't care. Leave."

"With pleasure!" She screams at me. I never saw her like that before. I saw her mad once, but never that small rage she was expressing.

"Stop fighting. The red head, you can leave. I will drop you, but only because its on the way. Trouble? You stay on the boat."  She's so good at being on my nerves. I don't want to stay with that, otherwise I'll get mad before setting foot on safe land.

"No. I get out at Servina too." I say coldly. This one come out as an order, my voice surprisingly steady.

"You won't." the women looked at the ocean we were on, aware of every other ship, looking for any potential danger.

I resign myself. I know I don't have a chance against her. I just sit at the opposite side of dove, on a wood box. I should have stayed in the first boat. I wouldn't be in that mess, freezing and asking myself too many questions. What is done is done, and I can't undo it. In like an hour, Dove will be gone, and I'll be stuck with this annoying woman. I open the small bag I had tied at my side and take a piece of bread out. I get up, and eat it, looking at the ocean. It reminds me of my mother. She was beautiful and calm, but she could get dangerous easily. I prefer forgetting that part of her thought. How she killed those men the night we got attacked. She would have survived that night. If only it wasn't of the king's presence. I never fully understood all that mass killing thing. The king of Velaria had ordered the execution of all the sorcerer and sorceress alive. Even the kids, which I was at the time. I was 7 years old, and even fifteen years later, I remember that night like it was yesterday. How my mom face got splashed with the soldier's blood. The rage and the grief in her eyes as she ended the last standing soldier. How she spited on the king boots before channeling her power to me and putting her dagger trough her kind and caring heart, refusing to let him kill her.That night, I learned how to suffer in pain. How to cry silently and never get attached again. That's why I never accepted more with Dove. What is a good thing now that she's leaving me to my enemy. I throw my last piece of bread to a duck, as I start to see the small village that is Servina, far away just under the mountain chain. The weather in disaccord with my thoughts. The sun reflects on the shining ocean, and the fish odor is slowly getting replace by the fresh scent of the sea.

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