Chapter 1

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"Karen just take the money.!" Zac said

"Why.?" Karen ask

"You carrying my child Karen.!" Zac said

"Now you care.?" Karen ask

"What are you talking about.?" Zac ask

"What I'm talking about.?" Karen sigh as she shook her head

"Look I'm not here to argue with you, I overheard your conversation when we were at the hospital I know you need help-

"I don't need shit from you.!" Karen said

"Right cause you have Arron your other baby father.!" Zac said

"Ohh I get it.!" Karen said

"Get what Karen.?" Zac ask

"So it wasn't embarrassing enough at the hospital now-

"Wait that don't got nothing to do with me, you pregnant by two guys not me. So don't try to put that on me.!" Zac said

"Whatever.!" Karen said

"Look I'm not trying to piss you off-

"Well that's exactly what you doing.!" Karen said

"What how.?" Zac ask

"You sending mix signals one minute you hate me and then the next you here with roses and a check Zac.!" Karen said

"Karen I don't hate you-

"Hard to believe when Fatima around she's all in your ear.!" Karen said

"This has nothing to do with Fatima.!" Zac said

"Yes it does, ever since she came around you been different. Even asking me for a paternity test.!" Karen said

"And we see that was a good idea now.!" Zac said

"Zac get the fuck out.!" Karen yelled

"Calm down I was just saying and me being different has nothing to do with Fatima. It has everything to do with showing people a different side of me, a man no one believes in-

"I believed in you Zac.!" Karen said

"As much as you believe that you never really believed in me.!" Zac said

"Zac we were together for three years, I carried you-

"And I paid back every cent.!" Zac said

"I didn't say that to put you down but damn Zac give me my credit.!" Karen said

"Karen I never not given you credit for taken care of me while we were together. I always thank you no matter how hard you made it for me-

"I made it hard for you.?" Karen ask

"Yes Karen, all I wanted to be was a man to provide for you and all I needed was time but it wasn't enough.!" Zac said

"Zac, you made my decision to walk away from you easy with the cheating, lies after lies and then the baby-

"I told you that girl lied.!" Zac said

"But it still hurt to know that I wouldn't be the one carrying your first child, hell I'm still not.!" Karen said

"Look we wasn't together when that happened.!" Zac said

"Yeah you keep saying it.!" Zac said

"Look I can't change the past, we can't change the past and we stuck with each other now and we have a baby on the way-

"How can you say that when you don't even come around you hate me.!" Karen said

"I don't hate you.!" Zac said coming closer

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