Chapter 28

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"Thanks for seeing me so quickly.!" Fatima said as she enter the room

"You didn't sound like yourself over the phone.!" Dr. Reid replied

"You noticed.!" Fatima ask as she sat down

"That and some congratulations.!" Dr. Reid spoke about her pregnancy

"Ohh yeah a lot has changed since the last time I was here.!" Fatima said

"And you wasn't here for yourself, you were here for Zac. How is he.?" Dr. Reid ask

"Umh I would lie but I honestly don't have a clue.!" Fatima said as she bit down on her bottom lip

"Sorry for assuming I thought he was the father-

"Ohh he is, it's just we're not together at the moment.!" Fatima said

"Is that's the reason why you here today.?" Dr. Reid ask

"Part of me thought so, that's the reason why I took so long to call but he's not the reason why I'm here.! He did make some pretty good points though.!" Fatima said

"So why are you here.?" Dr. Reid ask

"Isn't that your job to figure out.?" Fatima ask

"Now you know that's not how it works.!" Dr. Reid said as he chuckle

"Right sorry, it been awhile since I been here.!" Fatima said

"Okay we can start simple what made you think about coming today.?" Dr. Reid asked

"He almost died, like surgery and everything.! To put in simpler terms cause if you wanna hear the whole story a hour is not much.!" Fatima said

"Shouldn't you be there with him.?" Dr. Reid ask

"I was, I tried...... I don't know if I'm loving him the correct way or if he's not use to my kind of love.! It's like I'm getting back handed like every three months and we're back to square one with his disgusting attitude and disrespect.! And it's not something that I do, it be his past and I get the short end of the stick if that makes sense.!" Fatima said

"Before we get too deep, do you love him.?" Dr. Reid ask

"Of course.!" Fatima answered

"And do you wanna be with Zac.?" Dr. Reid ask

"Yeah, but I know we can't be together right now-

"Fatima how many months are you.?" Dr. Reid ask

"Six months.!" Fatima responded

"And how many times have you cried while being pregnant.?" Dr. Reid ask

"More than what I would like to count.!" Fatima said

"Happy tears.?" Dr. Reid ask

"Depressing tears.!" Fatima responded

"Do you want to continue this relationship with Zac because you stuck and having his baby or do you wanna continue this relationship because you think he's the love of your life.?" Dr. Reid ask




"Okay everything looks great.!" Dr. Hall said

"That's good right.?" Fatima ask

"Yes but you have to start coming to your appointments anything can happen while being pregnant.!" Dr. Hall said

"I know I'm sorry, I been going through a lot-

"Understandable but you need to take care of yourself and your baby so no more skipping appointments.!" Dr. Hall said

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