Chapter 26

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"Fatima what the hell is going on.?" Her father ask rushing inside Madam house

"Michael is down for a nap.!" Danni said coming downstairs

"Someone blew up my car.!" Fatima said

"What the hell.!" Her mother said

"And we can't get ahold of Zac.!" Blue stated

"Where did they go again.?" Fatima ask her father

"What.?" Her father ask

"Zac said he had business outta town-

"Yeah but I called him maybe around 7am told him to he can head back home cause the owner decided to take our offer.!" Fatima father said

"What.?" Fatima ask

"Have you spoke to him today.?" Her mother ask

"Last night yeah but not today, he was supposed to come home tomorrow-

"But he should've been here.! Blue-

"I'm on it.!" Blue said as she pick up her phone again

"Where could he be.?" Fatima ask

"Tss from his record-

"Moma not right now.!" Fatima said

"Maybe he doesn't want to be found have you thought about that.?" Her mother ask

"Mom I am carrying his child, he wouldn't leave me and Michael.!" Fatima said but she was about to lose her mind if her mother keep talking

"And if that were the case how can you explain her car blowing up.?" Madam ask

"Did you go near-

"No daddy, Madam set the bomb off when we were far away.!" Fatima sigh

"Babygirl sit down-

"I can't, I got this feeling that something is wrong.!" Fatima said

"Okay still couldn't get in touch with Zac but I called the office and they said that Bryce hasn't shown up or answer his phone either.!" Blue said

"Yeah something is off.!" Fatima said

"Wait they took my company car it has a tracker on it.!" Fatima father said

"Can you tack it.?" Fatima ask

"On it now.!" Her father said

"You need to relax.!" Danni said

"I'm trying-

"Nah we need to go find Heather ass and beat the beats off her ass.!" Blue said

"Zac doesn't want-

"At this point fuck what Zac wants.!" Madam said

"What if she doesn't know anything.?" Fatima ask

"Don't be a Zac that bitch knows something.! That comment about you being a single mother wasn't for shits and giggles.!" Madam said

"I'm with Madam on this one.!" Blue said

"Okay looks here that the car is stuck on highway I-285.!" Fatima father said

"Okay he was on his way here and got stuck in traffic.!" Blue said

"The car been there for two hours-

"Let's roll.!" Fatima said

"Hell no, you're pregnant.!" Fatima mother said

"Moma he could be hurt-

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