Chapter 21

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"Be careful with him.!" Fatima said as they enter Zac home. After three long days at the hospital, Michael was finally able to go home with strict rules that they had to follow. It has literally been a stressful week and not only that Fatima had a doctor appointment today to check up on the baby but she might cancel the appointment all together.

"Bae relax he's fine.!" Zac said as he placed Michael down who was laughing and that warm Fatima heart cause she knew Michael was miserable in the hospital, for the first day he couldn't do anything not even get out of bed unless it was to use the bathroom. Zac and Fatima stayed with him the whole time, Fatima was so trap in her personal life the law firm called and told her she wasn't needed anymore and she honestly thought that Andi had something to do with it.

Madam told her that she could sue cause technically she was on bed rest Doctor order but Fatima couldn't care less. Plus she needed to focus on getting her degree anyways

"Yeah but the doctor-

"He'll be fine relax.!" Zac said as he walked up and peck her lips and she slightly rolled her eyes

"When is your appointment.?" Zac ask

"At 2 but I'm thinking about canceling-

"No why.?" Zac ask

"Cause we got a lot going on and we just got Michael home from the hospital-

"Okay but we gotta check up on you and the baby.!" Zac said

"Someone gotta watch Michael and what if Hayden shows up.?" Fatima ask

"I thought your cousin took care of that.?" Zac ask. Thankfully Hayden didn't show up to server them paperwork but Madam did get word that Hayden has file for removal. They haven't heard nor seeing Hayden since he left the hospital days ago

"They're looking for him but nothing.!" Fatima said

"Is that a good thing.?" Zac ask

"Not if he had people looking at us like Heather claim.!" Fatima said

"Come on you really believe her.?" Zac ask

"Zac it's Hayden we're talking about.!" Fatima said

"Yeah you right.!" Zac said

"I know, so ion want to leave him by hisself and Hayden shows up.!" Fatima said

"Do you think we should move.?" Zac ask as Fatima sat down on the sofa

"No, ion wanna give that bastard any power over us.!" Fatima said

"It's not about power it's about keeping my family safe, plus I think we need a bigger house.!" Zac said

"No, you built this house. Your very first house and you were very proud and happy so ion want Hayden to take that away from you.!" Fatima said

"True but with Michael, our little one and Karen child we will need a bigger house.!" Zac said

"Speaking of Karen has she reach out to you yet.?" Fatima ask

"Nah, and imma get down to the bottom of you getting let go from your job-

"Zac let it go-

"Tst for what.?" Zac ask

"Cause that's more drama and more for her to play victim. I'm actually okay with not working right now.!" Fatima said

"Ohh now you okay with not working.? I ask you a week ago to stop working you gave me lip.!" Zac said

"Okay you were right, plus I wanna be here with Michael.!" Fatima said

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