Chapter 10

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"What.?" Zac ask surprisingly

"I said I'm pregnant.!" Fatima said

"When did you find out.?" Zac ask and Fatima sigh she knew she had to tell the truth

"At the hospital when I pass out at the park-

"Shit why didn't you tell me.?" Zac ask

"I... I didnt know if I were gonna keep-

"You were gonna get an abortion without talking to me first.?" Zac ask

"Its my body-

"But you my fiancé-

"You.... We was having our-

"Fatima that doesnt matter, it dont." Zac said

"I was gonna tell you-

"When.?" Zac ask

"When you told me, you were happy I wasnt having your baby." Fatima said as she tries to hold back tears

"Shit.... FUCK Fatima im so sorry, I didnt mean it I swear I didnt." Zac said

"Well it hurt and I knew you were only saying that to hurt my feeling and it just got stuck in my head and then she showed up... I didnt know what to think or what to do anymore." Fatima said

"What made you keep our baby.?" Zac ask


" Fatima-

"Doctor Hall what are you doing here.?" Fatima ask as was literally in nothing but the hospital gown

"I'll be doing your-

"Nope." Fatima said as she sat up and close her legs


"I cant.. I cant have you do this-

"Why not.?" Doctor Hall ask

"Cause I.. I dont feel comfortable." Fatima said

"Fatima if you worried I'll tell your parents I won't they're notice when your stomach doesnt grow-

"Okay see, thats the reason why you cant do this." Fatima said

"Fatima im not here to judge, im here to do the procedure-

"You dont even think I should do this-

"You right I dont but this is your body and your life and your choice... this is your choice.?" Doctor Hall ask

"He's not making me.... he's doesnt even know there is a baby." Fatima said


"You said no judgement-

"Yeah but you not a little ass girl no more and you're not in your early twenties Fatima. Anything you do now to your body will determine if you even get this opportunity again." Dr.Hall said

"What am I supposed to do my life is a shit show-

"Get your shit together duh, I know a lot of single mothers thats doing the damn thing and is happy man or no man." Dr. Hall said

"Its not that easy-

"Fatima I didnt say it'll be a walk in the park but I am saying you do have the strength to do this and be a great mother-


"Im not here to change your mind, the procedure will take about 10 to 15 minutes. We will prescribe you medicine for the pain, bleeding is expected as well as muscle pain. Lay back and put your feet on the metal I'll be back with the machine." Dr. Hall said as she left

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