Chapter 22

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"Bae you don't think-

"Nope you look good.!" Zac said

"You probably only saying that so I won't change again.!" Fatima chuckle

"Umh not necessarily but we are running late.!" Zac said as him and Michael sat on the bed waiting for her

"Mhm I got the hint.!" Fatima said as she walk out the bathroom

"Ohh.!" Michael said

"My baby look good.!" Zac said as he bite his lips

"Yeah but my stomach poking I'm not use to that.!" Fatima said

"Yeah but our baby tired of being hidden.!" Zac said

"Whatever yall ready to go.?" Fatima ask

"We were waiting on you.!" Zac said as he stood up helping Michael as well

"Aww you look so handsome.!" Fatima said as she fix his tie

"What about me.?" Zac ask

"Ohh you look good as well.!" Fatima said

"Ohh I do.!" Zac ask and Fatima nod her head as he pulled her into a kiss

"Mhm okay that's enough let's go.!" Fatima said as she pulled away

They quickly head towards the car and of course Fatima knew that they were late because of her but literally nothing is fitting at the moment and that made Fatima furious. As they made their way to the restaurant it was a chill ride and Atlanta traffic was light to say the least. Once there they quickly made their way in and Zac spotted Preston and Danni first so he lead the way.

"Wassup.!" Zac said

"About time.!" Danni said

"Sorry I couldn't find anything to wear.!" Fatima apologized

"Girl you look great and your bump is everything.!" Danni said

"I tried to tell her that.!" Zac said as he place Michael in his seat

"True but I was in my own head.!" Fatima said as both her and Zac sat down at the same time

"I ordered us some wine and Fatima you a glass of water if that was okay-

"No that was fine.!" Fatima smile

"Wow this place is amazing.!" Zac said

"And I saw when we were walking it that it has a dance floor.!" Fatima said

"Yeah Preston found it when he was in the dog house.!" Danni said

"When is he ever out the dog house.!" Zac said

"Don't start.!" Danni said

"I'm just saying, one minute you like him and then the next Preston does something and then you don't.!" Zac said

"Thank you.!" Preston said

"But what's wrong with that.? Danni feelings are valid.!" Fatima said as she undo crayons and a color picture the restaurant had for Michael

"Thank you.!" Danni said

"It's wrong when I don't know what I'm doing wrong.!" Preston said

"Thank you.!" Zac said

"Is this the first time you dated a black woman.?" Fatima ask

"Yeah please answer that.!" Danni said making Zac laugh

"Well yeah-


"But... but... but I don't think that should be an issue every time. I can't help my skin.!" Preston said

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