Chapter 2

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"Zac get off of me.!" Fatima says as she let out a sigh


"Zac please.!" Fatima said as she push at his chest

"Just let me explain." Zac said as Fatima eyes started to get watery

"Zac, im asking nicely. Get off of me." Fatima said as she shook her head pushing him away again, this time Zac move as Fatima went to grab her clothes from the floor

"It was a mistake I promise." Zac said as he grab Fatima arm

"Zac.." Fatima couldnt say anything else she didnt want to cry in front of him. He didnt deserve to see her like this

"She kiss me-

"ZAC PLEASE." Fatima scream as she snatch her arm away and ran up the stairs with Zac right behind her. Fatima made it to the bathroom as she close and lock the door behind her as Zac bang on the door

"Fatima, unlock the door." Zac scream as Fatima pace around the bathroom her head was all over the place. Fatima heard her phone bing and she pick it up and again it was Angela asking if she could come over, Fatima shook her head and then she saw the video that she sent

"What the fuck is this." Fatima ask as she grab her robe as she click on the video, her heart slip more and more to the floor. She couldnt believe her eyes and the next thing she knew she was over the toilet throwing up her entire inside

"Fatima baby please." She heard from the outside. Fatima sat beside the toilet once she was done and held her head cause it was spinning a lot. Fatima couldnt find herself to cry it hurt to bad, Fatima look to her left and saw that her phone ringing and it was her cousin

"Yeah.?" Fatima answered

"You coming to the club.?" Madam ask

"Why.?" Fatima ask

"Did you forget.?" Madam ask

"What do you want.?" Fatima ask

"Damn whats wrong with you.?" Madam ask

"Umh I'll let you know later." Fatima said

"Well, remember we were supposed to met up.? I need your help." Madam said

"Ohh shit." Fatima said

"Yeah, we can push it to tomorrow." Madam said

"No, its cool." Fatima said

"Are you sure.?" Madam ask

"Yeah, can you give me a hour.?" Fatima ask

"Umh yeah." Madam said

"Umh can I stay at your house..Just for awhile.?" Fatima ask

"Do you even have to ask." Madam said

"Okay I was just make sure." Fatima said

"Are you sure you okay.?" Madam ask

"Yeah, I'll let you know." Fatima said

"Okay I'll see you soon." Madam said and Fatima nod her head as she hung up the phone. Fatima realize that Zac was no longer at the door and she was thankful for that, Fatima look at the time and it was right at 5;30 so she knew he was probably gone to pick Micheal up

Fatima sat on the floor for another 10 minutes before getting up, she slowly open the door and thank the Lord that Zac wasnt there. Fatima quickly called herself a cab and pack as much as she could into her two small suite case. She grab her small duffle bag and toss her hygiene and other product into the bag, she didnt know what she wanted to do but she knew she couldnt stay there any longer. Fatima quickly carried both bags down as she toss her ring onto the table along with her car keys minus the house key because she will be back to grab the rest of her things.

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