Chapter 13

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Fatima has been losing her mind and Madam and Blue still wasnt at her house and they weren't answering the phone. Its been almost two hour since they took Zac away and if she didnt have Michael she wouldve went to the police station but she didn't want Michael around that or to see his father that way. Fatima found food at Zac house and cook a simple meal for Michael, she really couldnt eat her mind was everywhere. Fatima was sitting in the living room once Madam and Blue walk in

"What the hell." Fatima scream as she jump up

"Calm down." Madam said

"I been calling, texting no respond." Fatima said

"We only did that cause the doctor said you shouldn't be stress and literally put you on bedrest." Blue said

"And you guys didn't think not hearing from anyone wouldn't make me stress.?" Fatima ask

"You got a point but we needed to see what we could do before we even call you." Madam said

"So.?" Fatima ask as she sat back down

"We got nowhere." Blue said

"Shit." Fatima said

"All they said is that he's under arrest, wouldn't even tell me for what." Madam said

"And we couldnt see him at the moment but he goes to see the judge tomorrow morning and hopefully he'll get bail." Blue said

"Where Ralph.?" Fatima ask


"What.?" Fatima ask

"You didnt tell her.?" Blue ask

"Tell me what.?" Fatima ask

"Ohh your crazy ass cousin-


"No tell me." Fatima said

"She killed his wife so he won't be helping us." Blue said

"Madam why would you do that.?" Fatima ask

"The bitch was fucking with me-

"Thats true." Blue said

"And I didnt have a choice." Madam said

"Why.? Why were she fucking with you.?" Fatima ask

"Cause she was fucking Ralph." Blue said

"OMG." Fatima said

"Once again other people business isnt your business." Madam said

"Madam that was a married man." Fatima said

"By law yes but they wasnt together privately." Madam said

"And you believe that.?" Fatima ask

"Ahh dont judge me-

"You know thats not what im doing." Fatima said

"Look I gave out warning and she kept fucking with me until she was in the ground thats not on me." Madam said

"So we fuck." Fatima said


"Unless what.?" Fatima ask

"Unless, you talk to your father." Blue said

"Hell no, they already dont think im making the right decision with keeping my baby let alone telling them that Zac is in jail-

"Right that would only prove their point." Madam said

"Exactly." Fatima said

"And he told your mother off so she'll let him rot." Blue said

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