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Three months later

"Fatima where you at.?" Madam yelled

"Yall think she got some margaritas mix.?" Danni ask

"She should.!" Blue said closing the door behind her

"What are you guys doing.?" Fatima ask walking downstairs

"Tonight is ladies night.!" Madam said

"Damn T did you forget.?" Danni ask

"No.. okay maybe I did.!" Fatima said

"We haven't been out or spent time with each other over two months.!" Blue said

"Yeah but Zac is with Preston and they gonna be working late.!" Fatima said

"Where's Michael and Jr.?" Madam ask

"Both upstairs sleeping.!" Fatima said

"Great so we can party downstairs and keep a close eye out for the boys.!" Danni said

"Sounds like a plan to me.!" Blue said

As the night went on the girls were having a great time.! Jr, and Michael was sound asleep while the girls were in the living room reminiscing

"Did you guys hear what happened to Karen.?" Danni ask

"No what happened.?" Fatima ask

"They let her go.!" Danni said

"What.?" Madam ask

"Yeah, somehow Hayden went MIA and they didn't have anything to charge Karen with so they let her go.!" Danni said

"Who told you.?" Blue ask

"See it was weird, Andi actually called and she wanted to met up and talk, but I declined.! Then she told me that Karen was getting out.!" Danni said

"That's all she said.?" Fatima ask

"Yep, we didn't talk about nothing else cause Preston walk in and I paid attention to my man.!" Danni said

"If she knows what's best for her, she'll leave me the fuck alone.!" Fatima said

"Yall don't think she'll come back around.?" Danni ask

"I don't put it past her.!" Madam said

"But I'm not worried, I think she got the message loud and clear.!" Fatima said

"And have you seen Heather.?" Danni ask

"The last time we heard was the police had her-

"What you mean had.?" Danni ask

"The girl slip out of police custody and has been MIA since.!" Blue said

"And y'all don't think that's weird.?" Danni ask

"Oh she knows not to show any signs that she's still in Atlanta.!" Madam said

"Zac already knows I'm not spearing her no more.!" Fatima said

"Both of them bitches crazy.!" Blue said

"Yeah Zac likes them that way.!" Danni said as everyone laugh

"Cause if it's not one thing it's a fucking other.!" Fatima said

"I gotta idea.!" Madam said

"What.?" Blue ask as she sip on her drink

"How about we go on a mini vacation.!" Madam said

"Can't I got the kids.!" Fatima said

"That's why it's called a mini vacation, like three days.!" Madam said

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