A day in the life of a Felix

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It all started on a bright and beautiful day where I was yelled at to wake up.

"FELIX!!! BREAKFAST IS READYYYYYYY!" Han and Hamish, my 9 year old brothers who are twins, yell from downstairs. I sit up groggily, rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out of them.

"Coming!" I call back as I get out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and find Trixie inside doing her hair.

"Trix, I gotta get ready," I tell her. She nods and walks to her room. Trixie, who's 14, is so obedient and kind, she's my favorite sibling, aside from Gilly, my 17 year old sister. I quickly change and brush my hair, then head down for breakfast. It's complete and utter chaos.

By now you're probably thinking, 'but Felix, where's Gilly?' Guess what. She has a life.

"Where are the keys?" Father asks Mother as he looks around.

"They're in your hand honey," Mother responds, shaking her head. He smiles then waves goodbye to us before leaving for the market. The twins are already eating pancakes, and they're all dressed for school.

"Good morning," Mother greets me. I wave and go sit at the table. I eat my pancakes, then put the dish in the sink. I pick up my backpack, which I packed last night, and head towards the door.

"Bye guys!" I call over my shoulder. I walk down the sidewalk towards the school, taking in the amazing aroma around Gnomolia Bakery. I turn the corner, and reach the school.

"Hey, Fee, wait up!" I hear someone shout behind me. I turn around and smile.

'*Gasp* who could that be?' Patience is a virtue that apparently, you don't have.

"Hey Snowflake," I greet Aria as she runs up to me. I call her that because the first time we met, she was trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue. She grins.

'Awww that's so cute.'  Shut up guys, you have no idea what 'cute' is. You should see what my friend Cory's parents call each other. *shudder* let's just say, it isn't very, um, school appropriate.

"Hey," she starts, "I found this AMAZING trail behind my house, you have to come over after school." Aria's backyard is big, with lots of hidden trails. She loves hiking and exploring, so I always come along with her. She's also my best friend.

"Sure, I'll just tells my mom," I answer, walking into the school. Suddenly, the bell rings, signaling the start of class. We glance at each other, before sprinting towards our class. We get there just before the teacher, and we both take our seats. The class quiets as our teacher, Mrs. Lara, comes in.

"Hello class," she says warmly, smiling at us, "I hope you all enjoyed your weekends." We all greet her and we continue with class. 6 hours later, we exit the school.

I don't like to talk about uneventful boring things such as school. Yes, I know. I'm a bookworm but I don't like school. Crazy, huh. Well you know what else is crazy? Having your sister get sentenced to reform school just for her to become the greatest heroine ever. Yes, she is the greatest and don't you EVER say otherwise.

"So, are you coming?" Aria asks me excitedly.

"Yeah, let me just tell my mom," I tell her, pulling out my phone.


Felix: Hey Mother

Mother: Hello Felix

Felix: Can I go over to Aria's house? She found a new trail

Mother: Of course! Just be careful

Felix: Thanks, I will be.

Mother: Bye honey

Felix: Bye mother

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