Telepathy & Fairy Healing Skills

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I felt a rush of warmth in my head, and a familiar voice.

It's ok, Snowflake, I'm here. Now, hold still.

I did as I was told, though I was itching to ask what in Enchantasia was going on. Suddenly, the memories came flooding back, and I remembered my head and wrist injury.

Ok now move your wrist in circles.

When I did, I was surprised to see that it didn't hurt at all. And my head- well, it felt clearer somehow. Like before this, it was clouded and foggy, but then the sun had come out. I opened my eyes and...

"Felix?" I whispered, "How did you-" Halfway through my sentence, he tackled me with a hug.

"Oh my goblins, Aria, you have no idea how scared I was," His body shook, and I realized that he was crying.

"Hey, hey, don't cry," I rubbed his back, "It's ok." Though it was definitely not ok. Because Felix had just healed me. Without doing anything. I decided to save the questions for later though, because well, he needed comfort right then.

"I swore I would never do it," He mumbled, "I swore." I pulled back and gave him a blank stare.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. He looked away from me as he said the next part.

"I swore I would never transmit into someone else's mind," He whispered. My eyes widened.

"Transmit? L-like from that book series Keeper of the Lost Cities?" He nodded, still not looking at me. I stared at him, shocked. How could he keep that from me? But then again, I DID hide that I was a royal, so I guess I'm not exactly one to talk. And I don't blame him for hiding this. He can have his own secrets.

"I-I'm a Telepath, and even though the idea of the book isn't real, the powers are, and the concept," He finally turned to me.

"But that's like, awesome!" I exclaimed.

"No, you don't understand," Felix said sadly, "I took an oath that I would never use that power on anyone. I swore it, because it's terrible and I can read minds because of it. Everyone deserves privacy, and me infiltrating people's minds breaks that." At the word break, my heart started beating 2 times faster.

"Wait, you said concept-" I gasped, "Does that mean that your mind can break?" He nodded.

"Yeah," He whispered, looking away again. I sat up. Then, I grabbed his face and turned it so it was facing me.

"Felix, stop," I ordered, "Right now, I know damn well that you feel guilty, so stop. You just saved my life! You broke that oath for the right cause, and I could never express how grateful I am for that. Stop feeling guilty, even if you don't feel too much now, that guilt and sadness will evolve into something much bigger." He studied me.

"What are you, an Empath?" He gave me a small smile, "Knowing exactly what I'm feeling." I punched his arm lightly.

"Shut up," I grinned, "What's next? Are you a Teleporter too?" He rolled his eyes playfully.

"I dunno, am I?" He smirked, "Wanna go jump of a cliff and test it out?" I shook my head, smiling.

Then, out of random impulse, I grabbed the front of his shirt, leaned forward, and kissed his cheek. Immediately after, I stood up, brushing my shirt off, and trying to hide the light pink on my face.

"C'mon," I told Felix, who seemed to be in a state of shock, "I've gotta get ready for the Trial, and you're coming too." He snapped out of his daze, and got up.

"Alright, when is it?" He asked me.

"7 PM," I responded.

"Well then I better get home to get ready," He told me, "See you soon." He walked off in the other direction, and I smiled a bit.

Then, as if he knew I was looking, he turned his head back just long enough for him to wink at me.

There I stood in the middle of my yard, blushing, for the next 5 minutes.

Felix's P.O.V.

Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek. Aria kissed my cheek.

Wow, I'm freaking out right now. Gingerbread, calm down Felix!

I shake my head, and walk through the door. My eyes widen when I see who's standing in the middle of the kitchen.

"Gilly!" I exclaim, walking over and giving her a hug.

"Hey, Fee!" She smiles, "Where were you?"

"At Aria's house," I tell her, slightly blushing at the thought of her. Oh no, Gilly saw it. Shoot.

"Exactly what were you doing there?" She presses, a smirk playing on her lips.

"We went on one of her paths," I lie, "It was super cool, the trail was amazing." She raises an eyebrow.

"And that's all?" She asks, "Nothing el-"

"What are you suggesting?" I interrupt, "What exactly do you think happened."

"What, with you and your maybe more than a friend? Anything, really. She could've kissed you, after all." Heat rises in my face, and I'm stuck contemplating if I should fake die or make a run for it.

"Oh my goblins, she did kiss you!" Gilly exclaims. By now, my face is as red as a Fire Moon.

"Only on the cheek," I mumble.

"Same thing!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Look, I have somewhere to be soon," I sigh, "So um, nice catching up with you. Keep me posted with updates of you and your boyfriend." I run away before she can deny it. Jax is most definitely her secret boyfriend, it's not even a question.

I race up to my room, throw on a shirt and pants, then run downstairs so I can go back to Aria's house. Gilly stops me.

"Where are you going?" She questions.

"Aria's house," I respond impatiently, "Now, I really have to go."

"Jeez, ok," She holds her hands up in surrender, "Have fun kissing her."

"Shut up," I roll my eyes before leaving out the door.

Faria is happening. Idrc if it was a kiss on the cheek it's still a kiss soooo

Anyways, I hope you liked it! Byeee! <3

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