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Aria's mom isn't ok. She's really not.

"My mom think I killed Will." I blink.

"What?" I ask incredulously. What is she talking about?

"You heard me," she says, "She said she heard me up last night, and after a bit she went to see what was going on, and she found Will dead on the floor. At first, she didn't think anything of it but when the police came, they found his finger prints in my room." I scowl. How stupid. Of course his finger prints are in her room, he abuses her.

"Well, did you tell her about him doing that stuff to you?" I inquire. She nods.

"I did. She didn't believe me," She frowns, "She said that her 'sweet baby boy' would never do such a thing." I'm furious. What is wrong with Renee??? She really thinks that Aria could do that?

"Well, what about your dad?" James asks from behind us.

"He thinks what my mom is saying is preposterous," She smiles a little, "At least my dad believes me. He also believes that Will abused me. After all, he was the one that used to bandage my cuts. I always lied and said I got them from basketball games." I nod, taking it all in. I guess the basketball game lie is pretty good. She does play a lot. I do too.

"The basketball lie is a good one," Cory says, voicing my thoughts. Cory also plays basketball. James and Mia play soccer, and Ellie plays volleyball. What a crew of athletes we are. Suddenly, I hear a noise behind me.

"Hey, Felix!" I turn to see Gilly walking towards me. Jax is behind her.

"Gilly? What are you doing here?" I ask, walking towards her. Aria follows me.

"Jax and I got the weekend off so we decided to come to the park," she explains. I nod. Jax raises his hand in a wave.

"Hi Felix," He greets me. Then, he turns to Aria.

"Hi, who are you?" He asks. Aria rolls her eyes. Our other friends come up behind her.

"Relax they all know?" She says.

"You told all of them?" Jax raises an eyebrow.

"Didn't you?" She retorts. James smirks while Ellie suppresses a laugh. He narrows his eyes.

"Ok Ms. Glass Slipper," he taunts. Aria looks him up and down.

"You are not one to talk Mr. I'm-so-annoying-my-dad-sent-me-to-reform-school," she sasses. Jax turns to Gilly.

"These are your brother's friends?" He questions, "Really? You told me that Felix is a quiet, little kid who's always reading. You also said he was very obedient and was always doing the right thing." At that, Cory bursts out laughing.

"Felix! How you've tricked your sister into believing these lies," He wipes away actual tears. Mia smiles.

"Felix is an annoying, tall kid who does read a lot but is not obedient in the slightest way and somehow always manages to get himself into situations where he's wrong either way," She smirks. Gilly blinks. Then, she turns to everyone one else.

"That true?" She asks them all. Everyone nods, including myself.

"Reminds me of someone I know," Jax chuckles. Gilly glares at him, and he puts his hand up in fake surrender.

"Oh! Sorry thief, I forgot that, no, you don't get into bad situations," he starts. Gilly looks satisfied until he says, "No! You get into to HORRIBLE situations." Gilly smacks him, and he laughs. I clasp my hands together.

"Ok, Lovebirds, enough with your flirting," I tease, "We have important things to get too." Gilly looks at me, her face red.

"We're not love birds!" She exclaims. I nod my head sarcastically.

"Sure Gilly, sure." Jax stifles a laugh, and Ellie turns to him.

"Now, why are you laughing Mr. Prince? He was talking about you too," She grins. He stops laughing.

"Who knew 13 year olds could be so savage," he mutters under his breath. We laugh.

"No but seriously guys," I say once we've calmed down, "We really have more important things to do." Gilly raises an eyebrow.

"Like?" She questions. I look at Aria. She nods. At least, that's what everyone else thinks it is. Really, we made a language of nods and hand signals when we first met each other. This one means 'make up something'.

"Well, Aria here lost her favorite bracelet that Ella got for her before she left for the village," I lie, "We were helping her find it."

"Then why does she look like she's been crying," Jax nods in her direction.

"I fell down at basketball practice," Aria quips.

"You can't trick a trickster," Gilly shakes her head. I groan.

"Why do you have to be so street smart," I grumble. She turns to me.

"I don't know if that was an insult or a compliment," She states, "So I'll take it as both. Thank you, and excuse me?!?" My friends laugh while Jax looks slightly amused. Gilly rolls her eyes, but is smiling.

"It's ok if you don't want to tell me you know," She winks, "Just tell me eventually."

"Eventually," Aria and I agree. Her and Jax set off to Combing the Sea, and the rest of our friends have to go home for various reasons.

Not various, actually. All of them had sports related reasons, which makes me they left so Aria and I could be together. Those little matchmakers. Whatever, I'll get them back one day.

Aria turns to me after they leave.

"So, time to go home to my one nice parent," She smiles weakly. I hug her.

"Don't worry, Snowflake, it'll get better," I comfort her, "Trust me." I can feel her nod as she hugs me back.

"Now isn't that just adorable," Mia claps slowly as she comes out from behind a tree. The rest of our friends follow her lead, coming out from different trees along the park. I pull away.

"What? We hug all the time," I raise an eyebrow.

"We know, but do you do that all the time?" She nods towards what I think is my hand? Oh. I unknowingly held Aria's hand, and our fingers were interlocked.

Welp. There goes my dignity, and my social life. Actually not my social life because Aria is stupid hot, but definitely my dignity.

I called her hot and I'm not apologizing for it. It's the truth, but It doesn't mean it like I'm in love with her. It's facts ok?

"What a cute Faria moment!" Ellie squeals. I raise an eyebrow.

"What's Faria?" Aria and I ask at the same time.

"Felix and Aria, it's your ship name," James replies, smirking. My face turns 50 shades of red.

"Oh! So it's like Jellie?" Aria taunts. I start laughing so hard, because that's the worst ship name I've ever heard, but it's so true. Mia and Cory start laughing too.

"It's also like Mory," James snaps at them. They both stop laughing, before practically dying of laughter.

"Mory- sounds- like- ohhhhh my goblins," Mia gasps for breaths as she talks. James grins a little before starting to laugh too. Aria and I share a look. We probably look crazy, our faces red from laughter.

"Guys we need better ship names," I complain, "How about Coria and Elames?"

Bleh, honestly, Elames? It's horrible, but I guess it's better than Jellie? Coria sounds good though.

"I think Faria's fine though," Cory adds. I roll my eyes, but protesting won't get me anywhere.

"Eh, we'll figure it out," I smile.

"Eventually," Everyone says, before falling into fits of giggles once again.

Guys, I'm soooo sorry that I haven't updated!!! I've been working a lot on my other book, Jilly Stories, but I'll try to update this one more!

Byeeeee! <3

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