Kicked Out

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"Felix, I gotta tell you something," I whisper. He nods, and I know he'll listen.

"It was when I was 8," I start, "Before Will started... doing it."


"Will, why doesn't Mommy like me," I asked him. Will gave me a hug.

"She does like you Ri, she just doesn't know how to show it," He reassured me. Just then, Renee came in.

"Hey kids," She smiled, ruffling Will's hair, "Whatcha doing?" I took a big breath in. And I mean BIG. Renee laughed a bit.

"Do you love me?" I asked her, using every bit of courage and bravery I could muster. Her face hardened.

"I've gotta go make lunch," She excused herself, and left in a hurry. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I told you Will, she doesn't love me," I cried, "Nobody loves me." Will wrapped me into another hug.

"That's not true," He said, "I love you, and so does Dad, and grandma, and grandpa, and don't forget your best friend! Don't take this the wrong way, but he does love you. Platonically, of course." I sniffled, but thanked him. That night, as I was brushing my teeth, I heard loud noises coming from Will's room. I tiptoed to the door, and held my ear against it.

"...type of sick monster are you?" I could hear him yell, "She's 8! Even if you didn't love her, at least tell her you do! Care for her!"

"Why should I?" She shouted, "She's not even my child!" My lower lip started to quiver.

"What do you mean?" Will asked, quiet now, "You said that she was born while I was away at private school."

"I lied," She snarled, "Will, your 'younger sister' is one of those royal brats. She's Miss high and mighty Ella's younger sister." The silence between them scared me.

"It doesn't matter," Will's voice shook, "She's a kid, and even if she is royal, it doesn't mean you can treat her like crap."

"I can do whatever I want," With that, she opened the door and found me staring at her.

"Congrats, little brat, you just caused our first fight," With that, she walked away.

As I recount the memory, tears spring from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Snowflake," Felix says, pulling me into a hug, "What happened... that's horrible."

"It's not your fault," I tell him, pulling away. I'm now aware of several faces staring at us. Wait, why do I care? I've never cared before. Felix checks the time on his watch, and winces.

"I'm supposed to be home at 4:00 to pick up the twins," He tells me, "And it's 3:59, so see ya later!" With that, he races down the sidewalk to his house. He'll probably get there on time. He's pretty fast. I turn the way to my house, and walk there.


"Hey hon," Dad smiles warmly when I reach home.

"Hey dad," I return his smile, though not as brightly. I really hop that he won't notice. Lucky for me, he doesn't.

"Got any homework?" He asks. I nod. Then, he gets up.

"I have to go get grocery's, so I'll be back in an hour," He tells me. I nod again. He picks up his keys, goes out the door, and I watch as his car backs out of the driveway. Then, I turn and come face to face with Mom. My eyes widen.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" My voice is barely hearable.

"This is my house, you idiot," She retorts, "What are you doing here?" I recover from my shock, and stare here straight in the eye.

"I live here, in case you forgot," I say. A slow smile spreads across her face. Not the nice kind, the kind that makes you feel like someone's about to steal the candy you just got from the dollar store.

"No, you don't," She states, "Not anymore." She takes the back of my collar and drags me to the back door.

"What the hell-" Before I can finish, she throws me out of the house. Literally. My head slams against a rock. Woozy, I rise my upper body up and put a hand to the back of my head. It comes back red. I turn to her, feeling more and more dizzy by the second. Then, I'm hit by a wave of pain shooting up from my wrist. I must've twisted it trying to catch myself.

"There, now you're where you really belong," She sneers. She slams the screen door shut. I slowly rest my head down, wincing. Spots dance across my eyes, and I groan, curling up into a little ball. 

The last thing I hear is a panicked, "Aria?!?" before the world turns black.

Felix's P.O.V.

I race down the block, praying that I won't be late. If I am, Han and Hamish will never let me hear the end of it. I reach the front of my house just as the bus reaches there. I wipe the sweat off my forehead, and pretend I've been there longer. As the twins exit the bus, I raise an eyebrow.

"Where were you?" I ask them, "I've been waiting here forever." Hopefully, my panting doesn't give me away.

"Cool it, Felix, we saw you running like a racer down the sidewalk," He smirks before heading inside with Han. I shake my head, and sigh in defeat. One of these days I'll trick them.

I follow them in, and give them a few snacks before telling them that I'm going to Aria's house. As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I hear Han mutter under his breath, "You mean your girlfriend's house?" I pretend not to hear it as I shut the door and walk down the block.

When I reach there, I knock on the door, expecting either Aria or her dad. Instead, I find the face that's currently on my list of Most Hated People. I force a smile onto my face.

"Hi, Renee, do you happen to know where Aria is?" I ask her in my best attempt to sound polite. She smiles back.

"I'm not quite sure, I think she went out with her dad," She responds in an obvious lie, "You're welcome to stay in the kitchen though." My mind is screaming at me to punch her, but I keep calm.

"Can I go to the backyard?" I ask. Her smile falter's, but only for a second.

"Sure," She says, and I start to go in before she stops me, "What you see stays between us." Woah, ominous much? She lets me go, and I walk through the house to the back door, sliding it open.

When I step outside, the sight makes my skin turn pale. There, lying in the middle of the grass, is Aria. There's a stream of blood running down from her head, and she looks to be unconscious.

"Aria!" I exclaim, running towards her at top speed. I fall onto my knees in front of her, scanning her injuries. Her head is still bleeding, and her wrist is twisted in the wrong direction.

I look left and right, before I take a deep breath and press my index and middle fingers onto her temple.

Don't you just hate Aria's adoptive mom? In my opinion, she should just tell Ella. Then Renee would be like, banished or something.

Anyway, hope you liked it! Byeeee! <3

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