So... that happened

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This was by far the worst day of my life.


Groaning, I sit up from my comfortable position on my bed. Who could be knocking at this hour? The knocking becomes more urgent, and I walk downstairs.

I open the door to find Ellie and James standing there, frantic.

"Felix!" Ellie exclaims, "Come with us. Quick." They race down the steps with me behind them. I know immediately where we're going. I memorized this path down to the last stone. We reach Aria's house, but it doesn't look like it.

The walls are crumbling and charred black, the roof gone. Police cars circle the scene, with officers taking notes and inspecting everything. I spot Aria sitting on a rock just outside it, and run towards her.

"Oh my goblins, Snowflake, what happened?" I ask her.

"M-mom- crazy- lighter- threatened me-" She stutters, then turns to me, "Felix. I'm done for."

She was freaking me out, right then. It sounded like she was about to die.

"Ari," I attempt to calm her down, sitting down next to her, "It'll be ok. Just, tell me exactly what happened." She takes a few deep breaths.

"I woke up in the middle of the night to get water," She explains, "And when I got downstairs, my mom was sitting at the table. I got a cup and started walking towards her, because there was a water jug there, and she got up and started yelling at me asking if I was gonna kill her next and she ran to the counter and got the lighter and started screaming and then she threw the lighter at me but I ducked and it hit the wall and-" She breaks off, sobbing. I hug her.

"Why does this have to happen to me, Fee?" She whispers into my shoulder, "Do I deserve this?"

"No," I respond firmly, "Ari, none of this is your fault. Your mom is a lunatic for thinking you killed  Will." Just then, Aria's dad, Mike, comes storming back. His expression softens slightly when he sees Aria and I, but not my much.

"Hey kids," He says, "Renee is pressing charges. But, I'm going to be fighting on your side, and I know for a fact that what she thinks you did isn't true. I know that you could never do that. It'll be ok." Aria pulled away from me, and offered a small smile to her dad.

"Thanks dad," She managed out. Her voice was small, and I could tell she was trying not to cry. Her dad left soon to talk to the police. She shivered, and I realized she was only in her pajamas. I gave her my hoodie-

Because I'm that good.

and she smiled gratefully, taking it and slipping it on.

Ok guys I know this was super short but I couldn't think of anything else. We all know that Aria's mom is a brat, and Felix and Aria are the cutest couple ever. After Jax and Gilly, of course.

The Life of a FelixWhere stories live. Discover now