Court Case of Doom

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Aria tapped her finger on her lap nervously as everyone took their seats. Scanning the room, she could see it almost full with her family and friends, some on her mom's side, but most on her own. And next to her was her own best friend, Felix.

He gave her a small encouraging smile, and the gesture was enough to make her heart flutter. It also gave her the courage to do this. To win.

This was it. What they'd been waiting for all this time. What she'd been waiting for. Punishment would be served.

They just didn't know who would get it.

"Order in the court!" The judge banged her gavel 3 times, signaling the start of the court meeting. The murmurs and whispers died down.

"Will the accused raise their hand?" Judge Wilbor boomed. Aria meekly raised her arm, aware of how everyone was staring- or in some cases, glaring- at her. Wilbor nodded for her to lower her hand, and she did.

"Will the accuser raise their hand?" She asked. Aria's mother raised it high and proud.

Look guys I have no idea how an actual court case goes so just go with me here. Pretend it works like this in Enchantasia. Also, no lawyers, just deal with it.

"Renee Jackson, you may proceed to state your evidence," Wilbor said.

"I accuse Aria Beatrice Jackson of the murder of my son, William Jackson," She started, "A few weeks ago, he was found lying dead in a hallway in my house, and Aria was awake and well in her bedroom. She has been out of the house quite a lot in recent weeks, and refuses to tell me where she is."

The last part had been true. Aria hadn't told her mom where she'd been, with reason that if she really cared she wouldn't make a whole court case on how she thought Aria had killed Will.

"And," Renee continued, "She has even tricked her poor father into believing her lies." Fake sympathy dripped in her voice, and Aria knew right then that Renee didn't care about Aria's father. She faked it all.

As Wilbor was turning to Aria, ready to ask her to defend herself, a loud knock echoed through the room. A man standing near the corner of the room walked to the door, and opened it, his eyes widening when he saw who it was.

Princess Ella, Snow, Rapunzel, and Rose, plus Prince Jaxon, Heath, and, to Felix's surprise, Enchantasia's Heroine, Gilly.

I know. Very, very, short. But like, I couldn't help it. If I continued, I would miss the chance to leave you guys on such a cliff hanger.

Anyway, hope you liked it! Byeee! <3

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