Will the Rat

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This is a very... interesting day, to say at the least. Read on.

I wake up to the lovely feeling of getting hit on the head with a rock.

"Shi-!" I start to say, but I stop myself. If I'm getting attacked, my last words will NOT be a synonym of poop. I look around to find the source, and that's when I see the face behind my window.

"James?" I whisper-yell, as it's like, 3AM. He raises an eyebrow.

"No, I'm actually Ariana Grande," he sasses. I take the rock he threw at me and throw it back.

"I'm tired, I'm not thinking straight," I respond, rolling my eyes, "what are you doing here?" He looks around as if anyone's going to be up at this ungrimmly hour, then responds with,

"I need to bring you over to Aria's house. Ellie, Mia, and Cory are already there." I'm confused, but I get out of bed and pull on a sweatshirt. Then, I proceed to climb out of the window, and onto the tree.

"So, what exactly is this about?" I ask him once we're on the ground.

"Well I'm assuming Aria already told you whatever it is she wants to tell us," he starts. Oh. Of course, she wants to tell our closest friends (and maybe only friends, but we don't talk about that). Makes sense.

"Yeah, I know what you're talking about," I reply. He nods.

"Good, then let's go," he tells me, walking in the direction of Aria's house.

Once we get there, we quietly slip through the window, me in the lead. I'm pretty good at this, since at this point I've done it quite a bit. Not- not like that. Like, if she wants to talk about something that's bothering her.

As you can see, I'm not the obedient little child that Gilly and the rest of the world (excluding my friends) think I am. I have snuck out multiple times. Not that it's something to be proud of. Kids, don't try this at home.

Once we're in, I scan the room, and find all the girls plus Cory sitting in a circle. Aria looks up.

"Perfect! You're right on time," she whispers, so as not to wake her parents. I sit next to Aria and James sits next to Ellie. Oh I forgot to mention, Ellie is a fairy and so is Cory, though he hates to be called one. The rest of us are human, not including me being half-fairy. My sister Gilly has ogre friends and fairy friends and a prince-in-disguise 'friend'. You don't find a lot of those in the village. I snap back to attention when Aria starts talking.

"So I've already told Felix," she begins.

"Figures," Cory calls out, "he is your boyfriend after all." I scowl at him, my face red. I turn to Aria and find her face just as red.

"He isn't my boyfriend," she hisses.

"But you wish he was," Mia teases, smirking.

"Says you," I snap back, "you like Cory." Now it's their turn to blush.

"What? Where did that- why- HUH?" Mia sputters. Ellie smirks.

"And you can't even deny it," she laughs.

"Now who are you to laugh Ellie?" Cory questions, raising his eyebrow, "You obviously like James." Ellie looks like she going to burst. Everyone starts bickering back and forth, except for Aria. I glance at her, and see that she looks like she's about to explode.

"Aria," I whisper, taking her hand, "deep breaths." She looks towards me, and breathes in deeply. After breathing in and out a few more times, she looks at me again

"Thank you," She smiles. I shrug, letting go of her hand.

"Guys," I start, "you do remember why we're here, right?" Everyone quiets, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Aria, what was it you wanted to tell us?" Mia inquires. Aria takes a deep breath.

"Well- I wanted to say- it's a big secret- you can't tell anyone- it's just that," She stumbles over her words for what seems like a decade.

"Spit it out, Aria!" James exclaims. She looks towards me, and I nod, giving her a small smile.

"I'm royal and before you scream or something like Felix did no one can know so don't make a single noise about it I'll tell you guys more in the morning I just couldn't hold it in until then so guys please don't freak out," she says, all in one breath.

I'm still confused on how it's physically possible to say all of that without taking a single breath. Trust me, I've tried.

Everyone looks shocked, but follows orders and stays quiet.

"I didn't scream, Snowflake," I hiss. I totally didn't! I screeched. There's a difference. A small one, but still.

"How...?" Ellie starts, looking completely lost.

"I'm Ella's sister," she explains. Everyone nods.

"So," Mia starts, finally, "Does anyone else know?"

"The Royal Court knows," she says, "and their younger siblings; Jax, Heath, Raina, and Sasha." Everyone nods again, as no one knows what to say. Suddenly, there's a noise outside in the hallway, followed by a,

"Aria? Who are you talking to?" Everyone, except for me, jumps through the window, and just as soon as I hide in her closet, the door creaks open. In comes Aria's older brother, Will, who's 16.

"I'm talking to myself," Aria replies, still sitting on the floor.

"Freak," he mutters, and my blood boils. Who does he think he is, calling my best friend a freak? Suddenly, he closes the door behind him, and Aria's face turns ghostly pale.

"No," she whispers, "not right now."

Get ready.

"I'm bored," he says, cracking his knuckles. All of a sudden, I realize what's about to happen. Oh god. He steps closer towards her, and she scrambles to her feet. Too late, she starts to run towards her window, but Will grabs the back of her hoodie.

"Now where do you think you're going," he growls. He raises and his fist, but I step out from the closet.

"Leave. Her. Alone." I seethe. He looks slightly amused.

"And just what are you gonna do about it?" he smirks. I walk up to him, and he seems to realize I'm a bit taller than him, due to me being taller than average, and him being shorter than average.

"Let. Her. Go." I growl. I glare at him, and he drops Aria.

I don't think Gilly has ever called me intimidating, but then again, I AM her little brother.

"Sorry," he mumbles, and scampers out of the room like a rat. I'm still staring at the door when Aria takes my hand. My face melts.

"Are you okay?" I ask her softly. She looks at me with her big, green eyes, and starts to cry. She buries her face in my chest, sobbing. I hold her close. Grimm, that had to be scary. Suddenly, it all comes flooding back to me. The unknown bruises on her arms and legs. The scratch marks on her face. Her brother has been doing this for who knows how long? Damn Will to hell. Aria is still crying when our friends come back through the window. Mia looks at us, and decides to stay quiet. The others do the same. Finally, Aria starts to calm down.

"How long has he been doing that?" I question her when she pulls away. She shakes her head, and I assume she's not ready to talk about it just yet. After a few moments of silence, Aria finally speaks up.

"I think you guys can go home now," she whispers quietly, and I note that her voice is a bit shaky. All of us nod, and we start to climb out. Before I leave, I turn back to her.

"Are you sure you're okay, snowflake?" I ask her. She nods, and waves goodbye. I climb out of the window, thinking about when I can get revenge on Will the rat.

-----Time skip-----

I lay in bed. It's currently 4 AM, but I can't go to sleep.

Because at 3:56 AM, Will Jackson died.

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