Dinner Party (13)

516 22 26

Beyonce POV
6:30 pm

Tonight's the night! I'm finally going to meet Nic family and I'm excited but the girls aren't. Ariah is being her usual uncooperative self and nika can't go a second without crying.

She won't tell me what's wrong so I'm trying to give her space but I don't know a part of me feels like she's mad at me even though I know I didn't do anything. Guess it's just the voices.

"Ariah stay still!"

"NO" she continued to try and break free from the chair.

"Ariahhhh" then the girl ran. Ugh I'm glad Blue is way past the toddler stage.

Speaking of Blue I'm finally going to see my baby on Thursday however I also have to see her mom which is going to be absolutely hell. We're going to court so I can get atleast some custody of my kid.

My family and her mom made it seem like I'm completely unable to raise a kid, yes I have my times where I lose it but I would never hurt a child especially mines.

I love Blue with everything in me and she makes me feel like I at least did one thing right which was have her, I know I make a lot of bad decisions but she was my best one and I'm proud of her and myself for making that decision.

I just wish I made that decision with somebody tf else I can't stand Teyana a** sometimes all she do is b*tch, cheat, and hang out the window with her ugly a** friends. Always talking about 'hot girl summer' when the only thing hot is that p*ssy but anyway.

T ain't a bad mom I trust her with blue it's just that n*gga of hers that I don't like. He's disrespectful, ugly, he smokes knowing my baby and T dumba** got asthma, and he's f*cking UGLY. I do think he's the reason T keeping me away from Blue cus when he not around T just my sweet quiet girl, just how she was in high school before we broke up.

Well him and my family, although I can't really blame nobody but myself. One day I went crazy as some would say but I just think my family don't listen to me they just see the reaction but not what they did to get that reaction.

Guess that's why I like Onika so much, she's so understanding even when I treat her bad. Which ima chill on that, ima try but I think I need help. There's too much I learned at a young age that can't be unlearned, my family actually are the reason I'm like this but sure blame me.

Anyways I'll get there Thursday, go to court Friday morning and hopefully have blue for the weekend. I can't wait to see her she's really excited about it so am I. I can't wait to hear about her life and see how big she's gotten. I wonder has she gone through puberty yet she's 13 but we haven't really talked about it.

"ARIAH LEMME DO YOUR HAIR" I was getting tired of chasing her luckily she stopped but she did start crying ughh.

"Riahhh baby"

"y-you elled at me" she cried reaching for me to pick her up.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to"

"ye-es you d-did!"

"No I didn't mama I'm sorry but can you please let me do your hair so we can go eat"

"No I d-don't wike you n-no more" she quickly got down.

"Ariah! I'm sorry"

She went in the bathroom with her mom who was also crying. My two crybabies.

"Mommy beybey elld a-at me" she reached for nic but nic was busy curling her hair.

"Ariah let her do your hair" she sniffed a little.

"UGH!" Riah cried harder kicking nika then running out but nika kicked her back causing my baby to fall and hit her head on the door only a little tho. Aww my poor baby.

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