Constantly Aware of it all... (23)

317 11 15

Onika POV
11 am

Im so happy y'all. This woman really got me smiling from ear to ear like a dumb a** but I like it. I woke up to her places sweet kisses all over my face. I wrapped my arms around her neck and cuddled into her, I love how soft her skin feels pressed against mines and her vanilla scent. I especially loved her bushy blonde curls, the twins have it too.

She then got between my legs and gave me the best head. This morning was already off to a good start. I finally got up brushed my teeth and stuff then I headed to the kitchen with her trailing behind me. The kids were sitting in the living with these goofy a** smiles. Sigh, they must be up to something.

I seen they were drawing together tho so hopefully that'll keep them quiet for a while. I started on breakfast I only made pancakes and fruits cus that was all we had but it still wasn't enough.

"Hey khalil and kalani" they looked up with cheeses smiles. It's actually starting to scare me.

"Yea" they said in unison.

"Do you guys mind eating cereal there's only a few pancakes and you guys are older so..yea?"

"K" their smiles dropped.

Before I could say anything someone knocked at the door and bey went to go get it. She came back with these beautiful pink roses and chocolate covered fruit. The twins came over to the counter where bey placed them down. She came over and kissed me, she's been getting me a bunch of gifts lately and I been loving every second of it. Once I finished cooking I went over to open it.

"Let's see what I got"

"Huh" khalil looked confused.


"What you got?" Kalani held that same confused expression.

"Yea see" I showed them the pink card with my name on it.

"Hmph" they both sat back down.

I opened the card and read it aloud.

"Thank you for being so patient with me and learning this new love with me. We been through hell and back but we stuck it out and for that I will forever appreciate and love you"

"Awwww thank you baby" I gave her a big ole smooch and hug. See I told ya she can be sweet!

"Whatever can we eat"

"Oh.. alright" the twins been acting pretty strange today I'm not sure if something actually wrong or if shes just in a mood and khalil is following after her.

We started eating but kalani not so much I asked her what's wrong but she just rolled her eyes at me. Khalil seems fine for the most part though.

"So are we doing anything today..anything special" he broke the awkward silence.

"Yea are we" sage green smiled looking at me and bey.

"Probably just go grocery shopping"

Khalil sigh, orange awkwardly put her head down, and kalani threw her spoon getting up. What is happening right now.

"Unbelievable" she mumbled.

"Kalani sit down" bey said.

"No f*ck you and this fake a** family." I immediately turned to bey.

"Uh kids go in your rooms" my babies left but lavender and bad a** I mean rumi stayed. "Uh uhn rainbow rumi you guys too"

"Umm this family business" red gave me a look.

"Yea you should be the one leaving actually" and rumi smart mouth a** needs to be popped in the mouth.

"Rumi and Blue hush go in the room like she said"

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