chapter 1 - broken glass

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I honestly thought the day of my demon transformation was the worst one. All the pain I felt seemed unbearable. It all added up, when I wasn't aware of what I was doing. The crown supposed to make me powerful, but not turn me evil. I thought death was better than doing all that.

Now I couldn't hide the fact, I overlooked my new reality. The portal was closed so I quickly could experience other painful things. At least that's what I stated after first day of 'coming back to normal'.

I was confused by all of this, even though I really shouldn't, but all day of being surrounded by angry students made me like this. All the heavy tension was getting to me, no matter if i liked it, or not. The sound of whispers echoed next, but none of them seemed clear enough for me to recognize. At least I exactly knew who was it about. All that was predictable, like day coming after night.

There was only one thing that wasn't quite right. I remembered it with the clear sound of Twilight's voice. As she ordered, I was supposed to be befriended with the most known group of girls in this school.

It seriously kept me going today. I knew it shouldn't. The hope I had wasn't something, I usually would have inside. In this situation it was different, because I wasn't expecting to get a helping help from anyone. And especially from Princess Twilight. She could've just leave me down there, right after I lost all of the connection to the power from her crown. But she didn't. She gave me hope.

All of the good sides in this situation seemed weirdly out of touch today. I haven't seen any of those five girls anywhere. I thought, I would've had any occasion, but I was clearly wrong. I couldn't find them, even when I tried during one of my breaks. I unluckily missed them, while trying to get away from students. All I cared about was to get to safe space that was given me.

I had my last period before me, and as the break started I walked out of the school building, to it's back. I needed a fresh air, when all the built up stres became a blur in my head. All I had in my mind were noises, that resembled the one I heard while transforming. The wave of chills ran my body as I focused on them for too long.

I placed my back against the wall, trying to recompose myself. It felt much harder with every hour, because I realized, the old bully Sunset Shimmer was no where to be found in me, or she started to visibly disappear for good, while leaving me empty. The emptiness made me re-think all the point of doing everything I've done here. It made me regret it.

I placed my attention on anything else. I was looking at the tries, at the sky, like I've never seen it like that after a long day of school. I tried to take care of my breathing.

Suddenly I saw something I didn't expect. I had some view at the school parking lot, so I got extremely out of thoughts, when I saw a group coming up to one of the cars that was still pretty visible to me. My eyes widen at the sight, when it was the last thing I would guess to appear.

Five girls walked up to the driving machine, while they all started doing their thing. Two of them opened their backpack, one pulled up a lipstick in bright color, and the other checked pets she always hid inside it. The one in the hat got inside the car, but she didn't close the door. The last two seemed to be the most energetic cause' of their lively conversation, which I kinda was already hearing from up there.

I surprisingly got a little scared at the chance. I knew I had to overcome it fast enough. It was something I waited for all day, so I was sure it was gonna be worth every mental sacrifices.

I started walking up to them slowly. They haven't seem to notice me at first, and that made them easier to approach.

-Hi. - I said with the voice no one in this school ever heard from me. I made sure it was calm and peaceful enough for anyone who listened.

-Hi... - Fluttershy was the only one to answer me, or even face me, but only for a split second. The rest seemed like they've never noticed me in the first place.

-You don't have to answer Flutters. - Rainbow Dash commented on her friend's simple word. - You don't need to be nice to her. - I put down my brows.

-Excuse me? - I said confused. I still kept the peace, and somehow it was way easier than I usually acted before Fall Formal.

-You heard her. - AJ spoke up, leaving the car. - We don't need to be nice to you. - Someone finally looked me in the eyes, but I surely wasn't happy about the look I got. I knew that being at least okey with me around was going to be hard for everyone. Still I got surprised by sudden words from two of them.

-Yeah... I get that... - I answered, while getting my hair out of my face. - ...But I thought that I'd approach you guys... cause' you know... You remember what Princess said, right...? - I reminded them, when I felt like I was the only one who got that information in the first place.

-Yeah... she said some stuff. - A girl spoke up when she was done putting her lipstick on. - But it's our life, you know?

-We're the one to decide! - Pinkie blurred out. I took big breath into my lungs

-I know, and I respect that. - I wanted that to be clear. - I also promise to make it all up to you... and to everyone. I'll be working hard. - I didn't have much left anyway. I knew that if I didn't work on myself, I'd loose myself in this situation. - I'm really grateful of the chance I got from Twilight. - I smiled lightly. Like I said before, she didn't have to do it. She only did it cause' she had an open heart. She didn't see if I was feeling guilty, or not. She trusted that I was, so I also trusted for her to make the right choice about me.

-Surely you are. - The blond girl clearly said it to herself, but I was focused enough to also understand. - Look, Sunset... - She slowly took a few steps to get closer to me. Firstly her eyes were placed on the ground, but she made sure to look at my face before speaking up again. - You didn't change. - She smiled. - I know it. We all know it. We don't want to play another game of yours. - My eyes twitched. - I just saw real magic, but I don't believe it made you any different. - She confessed. - So, you don't need to continue this act cause' none of us is fooled by it. Unfortunately. - I didn't blink even once, while she was telling me everything.

I didn't expect this to happen. I just didn't get it. I knew they could be mad, sure, but I would've never guessed that they might think coming to them was an act, a play, a lie that I usually would create to get something important to me. But I didn't have that kind of intention this this time...!

-What are you waiting for? - Rainbow spoke up, when I left a situation with a silence. - You haven't heard what she said? You're not welcomed here! - She barely shouted, but my body already managed to jump a little. I took one careful step back. By the look at their faces I knew I just needed to keep going or they'll get more mad. With all the doubt I turned away.

I tried getting far enough, so none of them could possibly see my upcoming reaction. When I was closer to the building, I felt my eyes watering.

With every step I took, I could hear my heart crumbling more and more. It felt like someone just made mirror fall, while it hit every little obstacle on it's path, untill all that's left was broken glass. I somehow wasn't very ready for this type of choice. I should have. I suppose the magical friendship laser not only made my anger and desire go away, but also silenced my brain, when it didn't thought of a bad ending. I knew I could only blame myself.

I entered the school. I wiped my tears as soon as I could, so no one would see me like this. I felt like I would scream if I had a chance. 'I didn't know...' - I was thinking rapidly and consistently. I was going to be a disaster in class. I tried breathing carefully to help myself.

I quickly sat down in my back seat. I placed my face in my arms, which were already laying on the desk. I knew I needed to take all of this, and I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I deserved all this pain and suffering, I just put on myself. I've never imagined my biggest dream to be the best at something, would transform into something so horrific. Seeing all the results now made me weak and miserable. And I had a feeling it wasn't going to get better soon.

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