chapter 4 - questioning

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Sad reality woke me up. As the alarm sound filled the room, I woke up without energy. Sleep wasn't giving me any relieve. It was like that ever since my transformation. It simply got imbalanced. Either way, I needed to take all the consequences of my terrible actions. I put myself up with thinking that I, of course, deserved it.

Mornings weren't my favorite. Especially when I usually got to school earlier than anyone. I did it to ignore most of the people, that were meeting in front of the building. Of course, I was talking about specific five girls.

I got out of bed without a want to really do it. I wish I could stay in bed all day with occasional reading, writing, drawing or gaming if I'd get bored. Of course, I couldn't, so I got to school fast enough to at least avoid the time of the biggest students' charge.

I was looking at the floor for good five minutes, after getting to the door of my first period. Maybe it was for the better, when I needed to settle my thoughts completely.

At the time, when more group of students started to walk past me, I knew I needed to stay on my phone. Me looking at someone sometimes seemed threatening for others, and I knew that. I wanted to look as peaceful and 'not evil' as I could ever possibly seem.

As I placed it in my hand, for a long moment, I didn't light it up. I was focusing on the surroundings, afraid that someone will come to me quickly and take my phone for fun. Something like that happened right after the Fall Formal, and I've been paranoid ever since.

Finally, I clicked on the screen and wrote my password. First thing I did was to check notification bar. I always thought I should stop doing that. It usually showed nothing, really.

This time it made me open my eyes widely. I almost screamed like yesterday. There was no way this was happening to me.

Two notifications were set after each other, one was a clear accepted friend request, and second was showing me a new message. I got nervous and didn't read it just yet. I looked up from the phone. I tried to keep my mouth shut, when it was close to falling to the ground.

I took a breath and with a racing heart I looked once again to see what could possibly make her text me.

'who was the person you thought i was?' - The text said harshly, just like she still gave her coldness through it. She still asked thought, so at least she wasn't uninterested. I knew now she remembered my look too much, so she guessed it was me from my minimalistic profile picture.

I hesitated. What should I even reply? Should I be mostly honest? Should I lie? And was it okay with me to have another interaction with her? Was it fair at all...?

I carefully placed my finger on the message, which made it visible as read. There was no turning back now. I thought a little about my answer.

'A friend I knew once' - I typed firstly. - 'She just had very similar hair, sorry if I bothered you' - I could've played it shortly, but something inside made me explain myself further. I still couldn't tell her everything, but I felt obligated to say some.

Surprisingly, I quickly saw she viewed a message.

'its fine' - She replied. I wasn't sure if she meant it. - 'only hair?' - I got stunned. Why was she questioning that? It was like, she was sure I didn't tell her full story.

'I'm not sure, our last meet was long time ago' - I obviously lied. I needed to take her out of her curiosity. As I was doing so, my body started shaking. That situation was really getting to me. I felt like I was in the wrong spotlight.

'so what was she like?' - I let out an unsteady breath.

To my bad luck, the bell just rang above me. I needed to get to class, and continue this unusual chat in there. The teacher was an obstacle I wasn't sure I could pass by. Especially when I didn't use my phone at lesson at all. I was an angel in this exact case.

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