chapter 5 - smart

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I forgot to get to school early today. But it was alright. I pushed the door to the school, like I didn't almost hit the door cause' of my lack of attention I put into them. I think I also walked past my 'supposedly friends'. That also didn't matter today.

I really didn't know how one interaction with anyone would make me a whole new person. My existing suddenly became more lively, or at least for today. I celebrated it. Of course, I was looking at my phone all the way.

I asked That Twilight if she was awake firstly cause' after yesterday's explanation, I got to know how her week worked. She told me how being a good student affected her decision to choose her school hours at home. She had some classes three days a week, and the other two of them she worked in the shop where I met her. On the last two days, she was free to do whatever. It happened to be the second day of her work, so she texted me back fourty minutes after I woke up.

'How long have you been working there? I used to be there every other day tbh, and at that time you clearly weren't there'

'a couple of months for sure, but i used to work in different places as well' - She explained. - 'it isnt my first or last job and im probably gonna have experience with everything' - She didn't sound like she was bragging there at all. She was just honest most of the time, which was a good thing. - 'i am choosing places where i can get a good amount of money and be able to have flexible working hours'

'Understandable' - I placed my back against the closest wall to me. - 'Are you saving for something?' - I asked, and I didn't know why I felt like a pause between this message had been longer than usual. Maybe she was just doing something? I impatiently waited, and it was the only time my face went blank from over all happiness.

'its nice to have money' - She finally responded. - 'i dont have to ask my mom for anything really, so she doesnt have to worry' - I placed my brows down.

'Does she have to?' - I typed quickly. It seemed like another pause was caused. - 'It kinda sounded like that, sorry if I got the wrong idea or something' - I supposedly could start a topic of something I shouldn't talk about at the second day of knowing. I was sure I could've scared her away a little. Quickly, I wanted to save the situation. - 'You don't have to answer anything'

'nah nah its nothing its fine' - If she was here, she would've waved her hand to let go. - 'i could say i dont like seeing her doing anything for me i guess' - That made sense, so I nodded to myself.

'Yeah, I get it, but it's nice to have your mom's back'

'my mother went through a lot with me hahahh, i dont even know how she can still trust me.'

'I'm sure she has many reason to do so'

'idk' - The text said. - 'how are your parents btw?' - If I didn't control myself enough, I was sure I'd have a flashback right there. I put myself together quickly. I didn't want to think about it.

'Well, I live alone, I have my own apartment'

'ohh, really? thats so cool' - This sentence seemed like she was the most excited right now. - 'so u live far away from them, then?'

'Yeah, it's been a while, but I prefer living like that for sure' - I wasn't lying there.

'it must be nice' - It sounded like heaven, even for me, but when I couldn't have anyone to talk to for months already, it's been getting harsh. Some nights I was begging for having someone with me. I'll never forget it. - 'do you live near that store?'

'Oh not really, actually' - I answered without hesitation. - 'I just like it cuz not many people come here to buy stuff' - I commented. - 'It isn't crowded or smth'

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