𝚂𝚘, 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚠?

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Azani softly hummed along with the music that was streaming through her earbuds, as she randomly packed boxes onto the shelves.

She received no sleep the night before, and right now she felt as if her head was about to explode.

Listening to music was merely a desperate attempt to keep herself awake long enough so she could concentrate on the task at hand.

As she continued to pack the boxes and hum softly to the rhythms of her music, she suddenly felt a gentle tap on her shoulder.

"Huh?" Azani said, as she slowly turned around.

Standing before her, was her coworker, Janae.

She held a sympathetic expression on her face as she stared back at Azani.

Azani was well aware of the reason behind her saddened expression. A combination of sleepless nights and constant crying does not do any justice on a person's physical appearance.

"No sleep again?" Janae asked.

Azani slowly shook her head as she looked off to the side. 


"Azani, you really have to do something about this. Please just try seeing a doctor so they can put you on some medication, you can't keep living like this."

Azani stared back at Janae, a blank expression plastered across her face.

"I don't need any help I'm fine, can I just get back to work?"

Janae sighed and gave Azani a concerned look, before turning around and walking back to her station, leaving Azani by herself once more.

Azani simply went back to doing her job. She didn't want advice or to be questioned by anyone right now, she just wanted to finish her shift and go home.

A few hours later

Azani finished her shift and clocked out at exactly 5:30 pm.

She quickly made her way to the changing room and discarded her work uniform, relishing in the fact that her shift was finally over.

A sigh of relief escaped her mouth, but the short feeling of relaxation left as quickly as it came. She was happy to be leaving, but not looking forward to what awaited her at home.

She sluggishly made her way outside. It seems as if now that she had finished working the tiredness really began catching up to her.

Slowly treading the sidewalk to the subway station, Azani found herself lost in thought, pondering what it would feel like if the reality she faces now was different.

This thought followed Azani even after boarding the subway, as she was sitting there expressionless and completely unresponsive to her surroundings.


Omniscient POV

Naja groaned out in annoyance as she dragged her hand down her face in an exaggerated manner.

"Could my day get any more annoying?" she thought to herself.

As of right now, she was stranded on the side of the road because her car had broken down.

She paced back and forth, overcome with a sense of slight agitation as she attempted to get through to the towing company for the hundredth time so she could have it moved.

After finally making contact, she only waited a few minutes before they eventually arrived, and she had her car towed.

She decided to take the subway because it had been a while since she went on it.

Naja was not a big fan of public transportation as she preferred to drive in the comfort of her own vehicle, but she was not opposed to taking it. It was helping her to get from Point A to Point B, so why should she complain?

She entered the station and soon enough she boarded a train and took a seat.

As a way to pass time she decided to skim through her folder and briefly review her work for the day.

She examined the different pictures taken of each of her clients in their photoshoots. She then made a mental note of how she would edit and perfect each photo when she got home.

Feeling satisfied with the outcome of each photo, she returned the folder back to her book bag and just observed her surroundings as she relaxed.

While idly gazing at her surroundings a specific person caught her eyes, she subtly focused her gaze as an attempt to further analyze what could now be considered a person of interest.

It was another young woman who seemed to be lost in thought. Naja started to take note of her flawless deep brown skin and the prominent dark circles around her eyes. Her face held a strong tired expression that could stir concern or curiosity in anyone.

She was in casual attire and her hair was neatly braided into straight back cornrows.

She was just sitting there, her numbness to her surroundings managed to somehow intrigue Naja who now found herself heavily interested in why she was in such a state.

"Hm, she must not get enough sleep" Naja thought to herself, but in the same instance she was also curious as to why.

Soon enough the cargo came to a stop and people started to get out of their seats in order to exit.

She looked back to the same spot, but the woman was no longer there.

She was gone.


𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 (𝚜𝚡𝚜)Where stories live. Discover now