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Omniscient POV

Naja was now walking through the studio, both her hands occupied with drinks and food.

Since Noah took on the workload today, he asked her if she could bring him lunch and she happily agreed.

Naja appreciated the gesture, and she was also hungry herself, so she didn't mind getting food for the both of them.

She made her way to the post production room, where Noah was fully immersed in his work, adding some final touches.

He didn't even realize another person entered the room.

"Foods here!" Naja yelled.

Noah was startled by the sudden outburst and jumped in his seat.

Naja laughed at his reaction.

 "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you like that but your lunch is here." She apologized.

"Never in your life sneak up on me like that.I could have literally had a heart attack and died. Thats not even funny." Noah said, mugging Naja.

"Yeah Yeah, dramatic ass. You'll be fine." she responded,as she rolled her eyes at his antics.

Noah wasted no time grabbing his food from her hands and digging in.

Naja lightly chuckled as she followed suit, sitting down beside him and starting to eat as well.

"Sooo, where did you go earlier?" Noah asked suggestively,as he took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Uhm, I just went somewhere to drop something off. You know, nothing serious." 

"Hmmm, sounds suspicious. What did you drop off?" Noah further interrogated.

"Bro? what do you mean "suspicious". You're making it sound like I dumped a dead body or something. It was just some keys."  Naja responded as she laughed lowly.

"Ohhh, some keys huh? What for?" Noah continued.

"Your all up in my business. Don't do that." She replied jokingly.

Noah then arched his eyebrow at her response before a shocked expression appeared on his face.

"Omg, you went to visit Miss Angry bird, didn't you?"

"Well, I didn't go with the intention of visiting, I just wanted to return what belonged to her but, everything ended up going better than I thought."

"Really? How so?" Noah questioned.

"Well, she was nice this time around and I ended up getting her number."

Noah's eyes widened in surprise as he heard her response.

"You got her number? Well, that's progress. I thought for sure that if she saw you again, she would murder you."Noah stated in a playful tone.

 Naja chuckled.

"No, not at all. I told you she was nice this time around. I think we might actually be able to develop a bond."

Noah's facial expression then turned serious for a brief moment. 

"Seriously though, that's good to hear. Even though I don't understand your gravitation towards her, I'm just glad you're not dead. That was a really risky move you know." Noah stated,concern apparent in his face.

Naja laughed. 

"You're really a big ass drama king, but thanks I guess." she responded.

 The energy in the room was light and joyous as the two friends continued chatting and laughing. They delved into different topics and just enjoyed each other's presence as they finished their food.

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