Chapter One~ Little memories

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It was quiet around you.

Too quiet... Your thoughts running wild, many things that surrounded you. Especially a weird figure that you stared, seem a blur to you. Tried hard to focus who might this be yet of course be disturbed with another change, you couldn't put your finger about all of this.

Finally awaking from this all as your eyes darted around for a moment, realized was a dream again... Wonderful, the tenth time kept coming back and still having no idea what this all means. Slowly to sit up and look from the window can see the sun slowly rising, you deeply sigh a bit to least trying to relax. You gotten up to tidy up then putting on your (C/C) robe, fixing up your (F/C) feathers, highlight with (F/HC). Looking at the mirror now see how much you've grown over the years. Has been long and wondering now what to do in the future, know cannot stay here long that is for sure, yet Shifu still insisted you stay put. Don't know why, but not one to argue with him about it.

Then again how he is now, more calmer when Po became the Dragon Warrior. Really nice guy when you chatted with him when he started here, no one else didn't liked him... Okay, maybe Viper had the heart, but still he wasn't like other guys you talked with. Didn't care if you were different, loved to share stories from Kung Fu masters, really does know his history about that sort of stuff, you on the other hand had a hard time on learning all that. Master Oogway though; far more patient with you when struggling, wasn't for him wouldn't be rebellious against Master Shifu and the Furious Five. Maybe as a kid, given them a hard time what Monkey told you. You were more hard toward Tigress and Shifu.

Left it as that, never gotten the rest of that story. 

Moving on, you walked out of your room down the silent halls that everyone is asleep. Making your way to the kitchen to make breakfast. Moment preparing for it first one always up early is Master Shifu himself, "Morning, ___. Up early again I see." You turn over to him giving him a bow, "Morning to you as well, Master Shifu. What can I say always an early bird." Putting your crappy joke there, but he couldn't help still chuckle at that he sits down though as you brewed tea, while cooking. Enough for everyone when they wake up soon from their slumber. Putting the food in front of Shifu first and his tea. Setting yours up joining along side him, both of you enjoy the peaceful silence from the shenanigans Po would do. Well least what you thought was silent/

"This is the tenth time you are up early, are you sure nothing is wrong?" Seeming concern for your health. Maybe should tell him?-- No maybe not, just silly dreams after all. "Of course not, want to start the day early as usual. Not wanting it go to waste." Taking a sip of your tea, giving an assuring smile at him. Didn't want him to worry too much about you, soon you both finished on time when the others were getting up. Begin to do your daily routine around the palace, cleaning up a bit, tend with some of the plants, and of course you head down to Mr. Ping restaurant to help him out whatever he needed. This always been the same routine you've always done, least something new helping Mr. Ping, learn how to make noodles and make a proper broth. So your cooking gotten more better from this pass year, which is very nice skill to have. Normally would go back to the Jade Palace after finishing up working, but you left the village to just relax in the nature that surrounds you. 

Breeze that hits your feathers, the sun rays shining down as well helps more for the mind to be clear. Just the moment, the dreams coming back again. This time being awake though, why was it acting now? You were even hell confuse with this state, almost like your mind was trying to remember this dream. Finally a bit to be out of it, taking a deep breath now to just relax again looking over to hear kids laughing. Checking it out, were the schoolers from the village, couldn't help to stand beside the Mrs. Ming who were watching them play, you knew her when you started come around the village more often now. "You are far from the village again, ___." She pointed out, as you hums softly. "Not like I am not late, finished early today with Mr. Ping decided to take a walk."

You both were watching the kids having fun, couldn't help to smile a bit. "Best time of weather to be out here." 

"Agree." the other replied wit a hum, lucky they couldn't stay out long, heading back to village to go back to their studies. Saying your goodbyes to them and head back up to the palace. In your thoughts at the moment, still wondering more of your dreams, or maybe vision? Didn't even notice Po had caught up, "___! Hey!!" Stopped and turn to him, "Oh hey, Po visited your dad today?" You asked him.

"Yeah, thought you be there yet seem to finish early." He shrugged a little, "Went for a walk around again?" The dragon warrior questions when trying to take it easy from walking the stairs. "I did, thought be a good way to help clear my mind is all. Little stress can say, but its not too serious." Honestly you weren't sure if it was serious. "That's good, just don't think you can work it on your own." Nudged with a smile at you, again he is a sweet guy and from the beginning he was very helpful with point of view of stuff. "I'll be sure to."

Knew had to stop since he needed the break, getting half way up the stairs now to greet the others. Rest the day goes by a bit, you were preparing dinner now, others enjoying their time as you made extra bean buns. Didn't understand why was requested for tomorrow, but not one to even ask. 

Now the next thing was sleep, you prepared yourself for bed. Staring into space a bit, as you try to relax to sleep. Bringing you back into those same dreams that replied, odd enough you can see pair of red eyes this time. Like it was staring into your soul, couldn't make up the sound now trying to reach, only you shot up from your sleep. Panting harshly and look around, still dark it seems. The moon shining through the window a bit, needed the fresh air. Getting dressed and out of your room to the tree to just star gaze through the night. What you didn't know Po was up still and notice you awake and walking out, "Hard time to sleep?"

You jumped and turn to see him, "Oh sorry to startle you, little worry. Not usually up this late." He sat beside you now, "Its hard to explain, but surely its nothing much." As you say, Po doesn't believe that. "___, if it was nothing you wouldn't be here now." He really does know you best, roll your (E/C) eyes. "Alright alright, just lately I guess-- having a hard time to sleep lately. My dreams been hitting me more and more from these pass days." Explained your situation; Although, didn't want to tell him you see someone there in those dreams. "Did you tell Shifu?"

Paused there for a moment now, "umm, no I never told him. I think just a nightmare that will pass on." Hoping it was. Before he was able to say something you stood up, "Well I should try go back to bed, you should too Po, I'll see you in the morning." Walking away now back to your room leaving him there, as soon you return. These dreams becoming harder to escape, one thing you see now was a male peacock. How odd this was, those eyes too-

This man seem familiar somehow, yet hard to tell. Awaken again, the same thing all over this time you were able to see the full picture who this mysterious figure was. Maybe will ask for some answers when you finish your daily routine, to start getting ready for the day.

Somewhere out in China, snow surrounded the area of the building that was smoking. wolves working their hardest building something, one of them being the commander helping out. See this wasn't enough to continue, jumped up on another platform to bow, "The weapon is almost done Lord Shen, but we've run out of metal."

Metal clinking when the a male peacock approached up, "Search the farthest villages, find more metal!" He ordered him and the wolves. Raising his head up with an cold star he had in his eyes, with determination in  his voice as he spoke once more. Eyes glow in the room that surrounds the color flames in the dark.

"China will be mine..." 

Light to his Darkness~ Lord Shen x Peacock!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now