Chapter Two~ Sudden events

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Po and the Furious Five were in the training room, see Po fit many bean buns as he could in his mouth. You were watching, how silly this way still couldn't help to still giggle of this. Hear the bell, you needed get back to Mr. Ping, saying your goodbyes to the others, even Po was leaving as well, as you head down to the shop and boy was it a busy day. At least you weren't kept there all day taking a whole detour to wander out again. It was very peaceful out here, even in the bamboo forest that was around the area also nice to be around too, didn't even notice you had walked out far out from the village.

Coming across the river, streaming down with a nice flow along the breeze that was in the air. Soon you were in a calming state, hearing something broke. You flinch quickly and looked around, your eyes scanned the whole area, "Someone here?" You spoke out softly, don't see anything shrugging thinking just an animal soon you turn around there was a wolf standing there caused you scream and to skitter backwards. You were very startled by the sudden appearance.

Right before you were able to run two more got in your way, now in a panic. Running in another direction hoping for the best to get away, can hear the howling from them didn't bother looking back, just needed to keep running away from them and hope you make it out. Soon finally you stopped to look back, your eyes shifting see if there were any around. All you could hear is the rustling from the plants that is around. Thinking you were safe, trying to least calm yourself, now maybe they were only trying to make you run from the area. Well--

You were wrong.

Letting your guard down, feel a net landed on you. Panic brought started to struggle around, to be held down. "Let me go!!!!" You yelled out at them, what you notice another wolf who was with them, more different. If you were to guess, he might of be the leader, see the male walking up and knee down in front of you and had a hold of your face. Staring for a second, "...You've grown differently." He spoke.

Your panic expression changed to a confused one, "Grown differently???" Wanting to know what he meant, but he took a notice of something. "You'll find out.. Carry her back to the cart and lets head out." As he commanded the others, you were left more confuse. Didn't bother of fighting at this moment, it just now linger in your mind. Being set on the cart, least was a comfortable spot... Little bit comfortable. Looking at them as they get ready to set out, this might be the reason Shifu was worried about and boy how much you wished had listen. Lucky enough a nearby villager saw you being taken away.

Back at the Jade Palace, Po seem out of it. Fighting the bandits and came back from talking to his dad, getting information he was adopted, as well with his memories hitting him as well. Tigress was looking around the palace, "Po, have you seen ___?" Asking him, the panda looked at her with his head tilt. "No, didn't see her at the shop."

This was odd for the both of them, Mantis comes back as well. "Not at the village." Crane, Monkey, and Viper came back as well. "No where around the area." This left the gang puzzled, you always come back before the down was in the mid sky. "Shifu isn't gonna like it she vanished out of nowhere." As they were talking, and hope you were okay.

You were still sitting there, as if you can run anyways. Many wolves that could catch up to you, so running was out of the option. Highly doubt be unintended being left alone if you needed to use the restroom. Breeze was a bit rough, shivering a bit trying to ignore it. Feel something covering you up and turn. That wolf again, has he been walking beside this whole time? You stared at him more, getting more of his features.

Right eye was shut closed.
little more bigger than the others.
Stands out more with his armor.

Weird... Felt like though you've also seen him before. Turn away now just be in lost in thought, didn't notice now he stared at you, only hear him chuckle. "Hmm??" Catching your attention. "Oh nothing, forgotten how dense you can be at times." You sort of glared at him, "Excuse me?"

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