Finale Chapter~ New beginning

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You were sitting at the end where the docks, sort of pacing back and forth a bit. Nervous a little, wondering if he will listen. As you were thinking a bit of this, looking over at the tree that had blossomed, reminding you with Shen. To Shen who prepared and had captured the furious five, he notice a petal from the tree fell near him did lift it up to think of you.

How he felt like a fool to let you go, but his mind couldn't bare to see someone he loved so much suffer... Gently toss it in the water see it flow, hoping the greater good for you. "Shen the bridge is in the way." Hear the head wolf, looked at him with cold eyes. "Nothing stands in the way." As he spoke, others getting the hint to shoot it down. Did startled you hear that noise, same goes with the other three who were talking thinking of a way how they will run in. "We might need to just go in." Master Croc spoke, as Shifu walk over. "You need to stay here where it is safe." He tells you that, giving a nod. Watch them all leave, you standing there alone as you looked down at the water see your reflection for a moment. "...Please... Let this work." As you prayed about this, your head snapped over hear such a loud sound. Seem it started, you were trying to see where you were standing, but not sight.

Without the thought, you decided to run over to see it. Long you weren't in the fight, right? Wasn't too far off from the open waters see the wolves fighting, not only that Po running up to Shen, least trying. Your eyes targeted where Shen was seem he was barking an order at the Boss Wolf, he seem to refuse by tossing the torch, what you saw- Shen thrown one of his metal dagger at him making fall off the boat. The horror written on your face, can see he was completely gone. See he ignited the canon, firing it off see the others getting hit. You were in shock to see it all, hoping no one did got hurt. Your heart was racing in a panic, watch that all. "I can't do this..." You whisper to yourself. Couldn't bring yourself to face him...

Only then, over slowly... If you didn't go over, he would meet his end, or others if he succeeded. Can hear the canons going off, your mind running so quick. When you shared so much with him, finally reuniting with him.

You cannot lose someone who was there in your life. You didn't want to feel alone again...

Slowly now you decided to run over again, seeing each ship getting destroyed, your eyes turn to Shen see he was panicking. On the edge of the docks passing the others, "___!" Viper was going to stop you, but Shifu stopped her shaking his head, "Let her do her work." Everyone seem confused, As you couldn't go further. "SHEEEN!!!" You shouted out at him, loud as you could, seem he snapped out turning over see you. Can see it in his eyes, the fear... That alone male finally showing, just as before the ship was struck. Your own instinct, jumping in the water. Weren't much a swimmer, but you were trying others watched you go over. Po swimming on the side to see you struggling, "___, its not safe. You need to go back." Hear the Panda warrior tell you and helped you. "I need to speak with him."

"Shen? ___, you seen what he-"
"I need to speak with him, Po... Please..." 

See your eyes, weren't going to go back, he sighed to nod. Helping you up the boat can see the Peacock there, you and Po look at each other for a moment, "Shen.. it's over." Po went up first, but he stopped his tracks a bit. "How... How did you do it? I-I scar'd you for life, I killed your parents..." As he turn to see you, his heart sink more. "Look Shen, you gotta let go of the past, scar heal over time."

You look over at Po, "Scars don't heal, wounds do." Both you and Shen spoke at the same time, only to stare at each other, as the warrior looked at you both. "Sorry- anyways, she came to talk to you. I'll let you both have your time." He stepped out of the way, but he was still around keeping an eye on you more. You walked over, taking a deep breath. "Shen?.." Your voice was gentle, he didn't want to look at you. "You came back, after what I've done... You got to be the most idiotic girl to do that." He spoke.

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