Chapter Seven~ What lies beneath

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On the boat, Po was struggling to sleep, frustrated with himself as well. Trying to figure his own past, not only that worry about you. Hoping you are surviving with this sociopath of a peacock, sighing heavily with himself couldn't find his inner peace, felt like it was eating him more on the inside Tigress had joined him, "See you are up." She spoke to him, as the dragon warrior cleared his throat, "Oh, just doing some little training." He says, not trying to sound too stress. "The mast isn't a worthy opponent." As she jumped to the front and landed holding out her paw. "I'm ready."

"Alright-- so serious." Putting up his to start, while training to throw his first punch to feel that pain emerge through.

"I prefer the mast!" Po looks at her.
"Sorry, I used to fight the metal post." She explained.
"Oh really? how long that took?"
"Twenty years."

He stop give her a surprise expression, "Twenty years, wow-- is there another way? Faster to get like that." Po seem curious enough about this, "No-" she flips him on the ground, "Hardcore doesn't seem to suit you." See her friend sitting up, can tell something was off.

This wasn't like him.

"Po, what's wrong?" Concern for him.
"Just-- guess little shocked that my dad isn't-- my dad."
"Your dad, the goose?" Sounding little in question there.

Po nodded at her with a smile, "And this--- bothers you?" For her to say, Po immediately laugh it off. "No no, we are warriors, made of steal-" As he g to punch her shoulder playfully, forgot how much it hurts. Others had came out, "Hey what's going on?" Hear Monkey asked.

"Po is having daddy issues." Viper knew what was up, least the point of it, "Oh man, I never had problems with mine- well the fact my mom ate his head." Giving the details, "Mantis this isn't about you." Viper had to make him stop.

"Guys, we are here." Hear out from Crane, they all look over to see Gongmen city. Sight of it looked very beautiful, Po look at the others now, "Alright let's do this."

Meanwhile, with you. Slowly waking up slowly a bit, your mind was a bit fuzzy, but slowly coming to you. You were in the Lord's room, look up a bit see he was getting dressed, getting up yourself now to yawn a little. "Shen?" You softly spoke, his head perk up slowly then look a bit to the side at you. "Awake I see?" He spoke, finish up what he was doing. "Yeah, I didn't realized I slept long. Could of woken me up." See he shook his head, "Only right let you rest a bit more... Since you are up, should get yourself ready." Seem serious, tilt your head a bit. As you gotten out, there were new clothing out for you. Look like Shen already ordered them to give you fresh clothing, as you dressed yourself and looking at the mirror he had to make sure you notice something you missed. Feel him wrapped his wings around you, his head against yours.

"Shen, are you alright?" Concern for him a little, he was silent for a second. "I am... Just glad you have return is all.." That expression though reads differently to you.. Seem more he want to be apologetic, but same time not much caring about it. His attention seem was toward you, and his plans. He had then let go, "We should head up to the throne room." Walking out of his room, for you to follow behind him. Odd it was even more, from the pass few days he was filled with warmth for a moment. Why did it feel now he changed it, wanted to speak about it. Seem though; wasn't the right time to ask, or bring it up just follow him all you can do. When making it up, seem he just guided you there can see Soothsayer to had stared at Shen who seem satisfied, way he gave her the look. That mischief look, you other hand not having the slightest clue, but seem you were sort of trying to figure it out. "I need you to wait here my dear, I have some little business need to do. Wouldn't take too long, I'll have one of the servants bring you something to eat." Held up your face, "Umm, okay-" leaving you with Soothsayer.

Light to his Darkness~ Lord Shen x Peacock!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now