Chapter Six~ Blooming upon them all

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(Warning: be some smut ahead.)

Shen was anxious, and for what?

Well, today was the day he was taking you out into the city. Kept walking back and forth, this was annoying him quite bit. "How long does a woman dress?.." Getting impatient, as Soothsayer sat there with her tea, "Patients, she'll be finished soon." For her to say, this was unlike the Lord to be acting like this. Almost like a child would act like, hear someone walking now. "What is...It?-" his voice trails off to see you in something more beautiful. Can see the eyeliner and the little eye shadow matching your (C/C) of your outfit, the flower designs on it. Like looking at an doll that was created perfectly.

"Are you alright?" You had spoke up to him. Shen quickly cleared his throat, "I am... Glad you finally ready, shall we get going?" For his wing was held out, you stare at it. Slowly to had accept it, guiding you out. See a cart waiting, you climbed in first since Shen insisted you to do, after getting on next. Sitting beside each other, you look at the sleeves again for a brief moment. "You know, didn't need to get me this. Could of wore something simple, feel like I will stand out most than anyone." This is something though you have no idea about, least for Shen. Need to stand out, others would recognize your status and whom was lovely of them all. 

"Doesn't hurt to give something to you, besides nothing wrong spoiling you a little." Honest if he were to say, would spoil you so much with anything. Knowing how you react, isn't your thing to want more than what you already have. Getting to the bottom, the citizens looked over. See Shen coming out first, everyone bowed in small fear, but soon they all look up see you. Notice how their Lord was being gentle to you, someone who was ruthless. Could be nice when he wishes to be, everyone then to go back what they were doing. Since, didn't want to anger the man. Looking around again, how much missed being out like this. "Now can go anywhere as you wish, but we are gonna have to be bac---ACKK!" Didn't let him finished his sentence, you were so excited to see everything now. The head wolf watched to follow you and Shen, there were so many things had missed when you had came here yesterday. Looking at many stalls, small threats they were selling. Getting one, since Shen letting you have your full-fill with things to try. Did share some with him, wasn't the type to enjoy the sweets, either that too him some were overly sweet. Can tell might the type like the bitter flavoring, maybe a bit of mixture if the texture was just right. 

Walking by can hear music, when you had begged Shen to go over to listen. the Boss Wolf wondered a little to himself, see Shen with you. Looking at you as you were chatting, smiling at the war path Lord. Can see that small faint smile on him, more the thought what goes through his head; Wondering how is he feeling with all this, because this something a whole new world for Shen to be in.

Remembered back then, Shen suffered so much... The Lord had tears, but not a sound of agony or sorrows. Only rage came out, that voice feeling he was betrayed by all who looked down on him. At least, what the male peacock thought for so long. Abandonment issues was another thing, the thought you leaving... How hurt could he get? This was the conversation had with him before, when you were asleep last night, saw Shen coming out of your room. Following him back to his sleeping quarters, "...May I ask you a question.." Shen spoke to the wolf.

"Anything sir, will try to answer." Reply to his Lord.
"...If you love something very much, but say you are afraid to see them get hurt, angry at you for the crimes will commit, what will be the best choice you have to do?" Hear this question Shen asked from last night. Moment the wolf snapped out of it see you, "Hey, having a good daydream?" Messing with him, Shen was annoy a little that his guard was lacking. "Sorry miss, guess just little out of it is all."

"Well maybe good food and drink should help! Do look little pale." As you said to offer him, at first he couldn't, but remember something. He had been through this before, see a smaller kid doing the same thing. That kid was you, back when you, Shen, and him came here. Shen was standing on the side and same as him watching you play with the other kids, just enjoying the sunlight and the breeze the blows on through. This was also when the cherry plums were bloomed, him and Shen were talking just you running up to them with food to give them. How could they both say no to you pouting when you went all that trouble to get. That little flash back stopped as the wolf slowly to accept, "Thank you, ___." He smiled gently at you, giving one back. "I am gonna use the ladies room, won't take long!" You went off to freshen up. Just him and Shen there again like old times.

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