Chapter Four~ Answer of the past

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Sitting in the palace now, at the dinner table that you were told to be at. This was odd between you and Shen, was easy enough to chat with him, yet this time why did it seem hard now to strike one? You just quietly ate a little... Least you tried, wasn't the best. Look over can see the others that served were nervous. Seem they didn't dare to move or breath at that matter. He really strike fear in everyone, yet you were the only one who still stood your ground against him. Looking down at the food now, tilt your head a bit felt like missing something. Turn to the other who was working, "Umm excuse me-"

Before you were to complete your sentence, the maid dropped to the floor, "I am sorry ma'am if you aren't satisfied." You blinked at her, "I was just gonna ask if can get tea with this, to balance it." When you had said that, she looked at you confuse as well. "If you can, its no worries I can wait." showing kindness to her, for her to just bow to you. "Of course my lady." Going to do so, Lord Shen watched his attention back to you. "...Pity, hoping would go little longer." he spoke and to put food in his mouth. "Really enjoying yourself?.." How your tone was, pretty much a disgusted and disappointed. "More than the next being, are you seriously going to wait? I seriously think the cook here should learn to use less."

"No, made it perfectly, but slowly still can be overpowering. Tea can wash it down to refresh your taste buds." You pointed out, this was something Shen wasn't expecting. "You surely know your cooking."

"Of course, I was taught how to do so. Including cleaning, social, and other sorts." Shrugged, not really complaining, for him make a disgusted look. "So you were set as a mere servant... Royal working such a place like that." Soon he said that you looked at him with such a shock.

"Royal?" you questioned.
"Did I stutter?" Shen replied.

Yet he notice how puzzled you were, until he realized it. "Did they not tell you who you really were?" Just then you shook your head, "No-" Just like that when you put it that way, this was news for the both of you. He only then started laughing, looking at the others now then at him. 

"They really thought hiding you like a peasant would of worked, how foolish can they be?" As he found this amusing to know, the maid came back with your tea. "Thank you." Giving a bow to her while she went back to her position now. This was really big news for you, looking at the tea cup now see your reflection. Possibly can't be royal like him... Are you? Feel like asking him would probably won't get answers, like playing with the mind. May show little kindness toward you, yet he was still wicked to the core. He finishes his dinner to stand up, "I shall be up in my work chambers, will check on you later one, my dear." 

"Sure.." Didn't bother calling him your lord, knowing he was waiting for you to say it. Looking at him with a brow rose up, "... You can't be serious?" See his expression never changed, with an heavy sigh coming out of you. "Sure, my lord. When ever you have the time to even come by." You sarcastically said, "... It's a start, but will work on that soon or later." That he left, he is really going to be a pain. He is like a kid who would scream because they can't get candy. Soon finishing yours, stopping one of the maids though. "Hey is that fortune teller lady is around?" 

At first they were hesitant, one that helped you. Seem she was the one be your primary helper around, "I can miss." She gladly bowed, blinked at her a bit. "Hey don't need to bow around me, just only around that fuckhead you call Lord here." knowing be a wise thing to do if he was around. She was surprise another thing with your language, "Excuse my tongue as well, just-- uggh, he makes me very mad with his cocky attitude, I am in hope to wipe that smug off his face with the deal I made with him. Hopefully it works out.." See how mad you were, the others thought would lash out, they did cover a bit. Looking at them confused, "Why are you guys covering like that?" See you didn't do it, the main maid that is helping you cleared her throat. "Forgive us, we- used of him lashing out. You just seem different." 

Light to his Darkness~ Lord Shen x Peacock!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now