Chapter Five~ Reflection

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Another day has come, you were prepared. Looking at the maid who bowed, a signal to you. Sun risen, this makes it perfect to now head out now. The Lord knew would be heading out, with the wolves now in line waiting, his trusted one walked beside him. "She had left sir, but cannot track her." He had said, "Wearing perfume to make sure her scent isn't tracked... Clever girl." As Shen was ready himself to go out.

Where you were, already in town taking a deep breath now can do this. Done it before with Shifu and the others, but little different since the location you are in be difficult. Able to look around, see all different stalls that surround you, the food around smells really good too. Couldn't help to go over to one, see the different varieties, the stall owner just handed one to you, "Oh I couldn't without paying-" See he stopped you, "It's on me. Enjoy the city." He smiles, couldn't help to smile as well. Continue on now to explore, the city was really beautiful with the tower in view from here too. Only problem with it, looked over hear little commotion turning your head see one of the wolves. Quickly to hide behind something to keep hidden, until they walked pass. Peaking out a bit now you scan around. Wolves were everywhere, huffed a little. "He isn't gonna make this easy.."

Just need to out of their sight, so looking around can see some had cloaks. Look on over spot they were selling some, didn't have money to get one. This was gonna be harder than you thought, a lady next to you notice you were hiding. Only held out a cloak for you, "You seem to need one." She smiled at you, "I couldn't-"

But she insisted you to have it, couldn't help to smile at her. Being a peacock around was something if you have to guess, "Thank you." Glad didn't get scared of you, since how Shen was around here. Putting it on now, and able to leave the spot. Without you even noticing the other ruckus that was going on. Shen was walking down, the citizens bowed to him when he approached, his eyes scanned around a little. See those covering their faces and hidden themselves with cloaks. Turn to the Boss Wolf now, "Make sure you check every cloaked being, she has to be hiding herself in them." He ordered, "You heard the Lord, check every citizen wearing a cloak or anyone covering their face!"

With you now area where seem the close more clear, taking your hood off now more open and seem more people around shopping, chatting, and music playing around here. Your (E/C) eyes sparkled, couldn't help to see all of this more. The more you were checking out everything, and  making sure you were hidden, with the crowd able to blind in more, each time putting on a different perfume to still keep your scent from getting found. For the prince now who now slowly getting annoyed a bit, but how can he? Shen was surprised you made it this far, soon he was walking around a little notice something off at the corner of his eye.. Now that was a sight he never expected. Around the city rarely other bandits come here, he was glaring at them a bit. 

Couldn't help to follow them. Time passes, it was already afternoon, taking the allies just exploring more. It was quiet around here, barely anyone walks around in the alley, sort of questioned yourself a bit should of stayed back at the crowd, as you were walking bumped into one of the guards, "Hey watch-" Realized it was you, "Ha! Found you!" Before able to grab you, end up running pass him, "Hey!!!" Chasing after you, he howled alerting the others you were found. Lucky with the corners helped, and little spot able to hide for him run pass. Looking up see the wolves were running on the roof. They were really determine to get you, quickly now to hurry to leave before they realize you weren't there and return. This now took a bit hours trying to find where you were, forgotten where you were going, trying not to get caught. Losing your way, this area now seem little sketchy. who would of thought this city had a place, maybe were wrong about the city much. When you were walking, hear walking behind you. Didn't want to look back, just kept going hopefully weren't here for trouble. Soon turning to a dead end going back, be cornered now by the three bandits. "Lost little lady?" One spoke up, "N-no of course not. I was just--"

Light to his Darkness~ Lord Shen x Peacock!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now