Chapter Three~ Challenged

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Sitting in a room that was given to you, basically weren't aloud to wander around the outside in the city unless had one of the wolves or Shen himself. Why would he want to even follow you around anyways? He seemed a bit on edge of everything, can hear him outside a bit doing something down there, looking down moment can see him to look up. Made you sort of sink back in the room, first male ever made you nervous.

Well who was much on a war path, slowly though to open your door to peek out. Seems not really guarded much, being around the palace really, so no worries of that. Decided to walk around more to explore your surrounding, the place was very big. Many stairs as well, but didn't want to look down how far high you were.

Taking each step down the steps can see the maids and other servants working around the best they could. It feels weird not doing anything, as soon walking down further down only meet the man himself entering the building to spot you. "I see you came out of your room, guessing you finish your little hide and seek game?" Hummed as he walked up toward you. Lean back away from the male, "I'll let you think that." You rolled your eyes a bit, really this man was the one in your memories. Only way... Was to chat with him, "Anyways, wanted to see you wanted to-- least chat, if you are not busy." Can see he was thinking, staring at you for a moment to then just nod. "Don't see why not..." Walking toward the outside door, turn toward you to follow him.

Walking on pass the guards to be beside their Lord ship. Stepping outside with him, being out here can feel the air was heavy. Had many tension out here, your eyes shift over to him who was just facing forward. Could be wrong, but he seem-- anxious. If you should know, Shifu was like this before. Couldn't help to get more of a closer look at him who now brow was raised. "May I help you?"

"You just seem out of it, could be just me, but your expression seems it." Long years he hasn't seen you, already noticing some things of him. He didn't give any more of the side though, "Don't be ridiculous, more in joy than you may think." As he spoke that, tilt your head a bit. "Are you now?" Didn't really believe him that much there, and he could tell by your tone. "Well if you must know, I've been searching for you for so long. Knew you would be older by the time would of found you." Begun to say stopping beside the garden that was there, "You kept on looking, sound like a psychopath."

"Do I now?" Shen had look at you, "Coming from someone who was more of a mischief than I was, just a small kid causing so much trouble, yet good around me. That innocent face, yet such an chaotic one you really were." He given a smile, but a scary one. You shivered at that as well; Although, hear that information. You were a kid at the time, how did you not remember this? That little memory now, maybe that was where he was lecturing you. "Take it I wasn't the best kid?" You questioned. "Your parents had a hard time with you, probably as well my influence on you worsen." Seem proud about it, as you didn't seem to understand. "I remember though... would sit out here and just see this little one comforting me.. Would put a flower crown on my head to cheer me up."

Moment he said that, that memory you saw before. They were flowers, and the surrounding was the outside, so wasn't a blur background at all. Looking around a little bit now at the garden, "...Would say everything was okay." Softly spoke that, Shen head face to you. "Not only that, were very determine to stay by my side... Yet only all to change." He tells you, "Changed?"

"You were only a kid, I did something needed to be done, only to be kicked out of my own home, my parents disowned me." As he paused to turn to you, stared at you (E/Y) eyes and see your more adult form (F/C) feathers now shown with the (F/HC). To be inches from you, only you tense again. This does caught you off guard, couldn't help a bit to give a small blush when he held up your face. "...Not only you were sent away so I couldn't find you. Since you are older, this makes it more easy for me to mess with you." Blinked at him, you were not sure what he was going on about this, but pretty sure this wasn't a good sign. "Act like you really lost treasure or something." Pulled back from him, for then the male shrugged a little. "I mean, you are like treasure that was kept from me. Now that you are founded, don't think will let you out of my sight."

"So basically imprisoning me here?" You questioned.
"That is your point of view, mine is more no one takes you away again." He retorted at your question.

Sighing with this, there has to be a way him to least be chill with a lot. "Look, I may only remember the simple things, and you already trying to edict my life here. That little once chaotic girl you knew has grown, even lied to all these years- can't just keep me here forever you know."

You standing up for yourself probably something this man wanted to see, that face he made says it all. "So you are a rebel still from all these years, see haven't changed." Chuckled a little at that, like he was challenging you at this point with how he is acting this way. "Hope you know, if you do try to escape will be hunted down and brought back here. I will even hunt you myself, until you learn you are not aloud to leave this premises." His tone was threatening, this does put you in some fear. Dangerously now looking down at you, "If you wish to challenge me my dear, hope doesn't disappoint me... I will enjoy see you to fall and know where you belong." Walking away now, this side of him was not what you expected to see. Thought he had won making you scared, and that didn't want him to think he does have the upper hand.

"I am not afraid of you." You spoke up, did made him stop on his tracks. "I am not something you will keep me locked up." Hear of your voice how much you will fight back, this was the same kid had challenge him many times and never gave up. Walk back to you now, "I'll be looking forward then, tell you what. If you manage to escape and come back without being captured three times, have my word to let you walk around the city all you wish, but leaving the city will not be required unless have a guard with you." Offering that to you, which means only around in Gongmen city you have a free roaming around as you wish.

"Alright... If I do get captured?" Much didn't wanna know that detail, but know it'll be heard anyways. See that little evil smile forming from the warlord male.
"You will be locked in your room, during the sleep nights. Rest the days you will be stuck with me, so means you won't be leaving my side no matter what." Poke your beak, giving this deal. Having to follow him around doesn't sound like fun, more torture to you, honestly-- didn't wanna see what he does around here. What you've saw earlier, a bit cruel to continue to watch. He held out his wing at you to shake. "Do we have a deal?"

Looking at his, wouldn't be hard to do now, slowly though to shake his making the deal done. "You have a deal."

"Excellent, can't wait then." Leaving you again, as you stand there. He really wanted you to obey him that much, or more of something else. He did seem happy you are back when you first arrived. Now he is possessive, there must been more to this why. Moment now, need to check this area, and see where what you can do to escape and comeback without getting caught, don't know the area so this makes it hard. Thinking a little bit, wolves will hunt you by scent, which be cheating in your book. Need to try make a different one then to throw them off, for Shen well-

He is a pretty tough one, he is watching every move you make. Need to be careful not to be too suspicious then what you do, always can think of ways to distract. For now will come to that later, right now need to know his home first, know ways where to escape and enter back in without being seen.

This will be by far the most challenge you ever done, and willing to do so to wipe that smug off his face, even show you won't back down.

How hard can it be?

Light to his Darkness~ Lord Shen x Peacock!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now