Chapter Eight~ Making the choices

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You watched the sun had disappeared out of view, night has finally fully fallen. Still trapped in the room, but lucky now able to roam around but only in the building. Wandering a little bit, only to stop hearing talking. Go over to hear more, was Soothsayer and Shen talking. "You just destroy your industrial home." As she says to him, "Its a sacrifice can make, when I can have all of China." As he burnt the map, you still hidden behind still watching. 

"Will this satisfied your needs, to fill you more satisfied if you take over China?" She question, he thought a moment to shrug, "eh, its a start. I suppose you cannot predict much of that." As he walked pass her to look down at his work, Soothsayer, "the cup you fill is bottomless, never ending suffering you are going, Shen. You need to stop this." She hoping can help him one last time, "Now why would I do that?" 

"So your parents can be rest at peace, knowing their son can rest in peace as well."
"My parents... Hated me.." Shen stopped there for a moment, "They've wronged, taken everything from what I had left... Including, ___ parents as well who sent her away. All didn't wish me around.." Hear it, can hear the hurt in his voice, maybe there is something can reach him out. 

"Your parents loved you, they've loved you so much sending you away hurt'd them. Even for them to agree on sending ___ away, everyone also knew how hurt she was when they told her such a young age you were violent. They didn't want her see that of you, be afraid what you've becoming." There was the silence, as you watched can see he was in deep thought, but he inhaled a little. "The past is dead... I must attend the future.."

Just the moment now, "Send the Soothsayer free... She is no used to me anymore." Hear that, being alone with him something didn't want, honestly at the point for you.. You were afraid of him, "I wished you happiness, Shen."

"Happiness... Must be taken, and I will take mine." His last words while she was being walked out. You on the other hand couldn't see her leave, to go after her, Shen heard the foot steps. Turning to see you running where Soothsayer is going, no choice he needed to follow to get you back. Soon the fortune teller was out and walking, "Soothsayer!!!" You yelled out, she turn to see you stopping in front of her, "You are leaving?" Panting a bit, little tired from running. "I have been let go my dear."

"Please don't... I-I don't know I can handle it." See you were afraid, her being right that this will cause an effect on you. Tears running down, "I don't know what to do.." What you shared with him, he was gentle with you, worry of your life, but held by chains something you weren't really wanting. "My dear, I know you will think of something. Don't lose hope." As she wiped the tears away, then look over see Shen there. Soothsayer had stepped back now, "I must go, you have a good future ___, I bid you farewell." See her off. This time couldn't go after her. Knew being watched when she made an expression, really wanted to beg her to stay.

But what good would that do? Here alone with him, truly alone. Didn't understand what to do at this point, stand up to just walk pass Shen. He took noted you weren't happy, "So... Cold shoulder is what I am getting?" Spoke up, you stopped. "Shen please don't start this." You had spoken up, only he walked beside you now for he wasn't happy. "No let's talk this now, what changed all of a sudden? Weren't we bonding like old times, what is the sudden change now ___." Demanding at you, didn't want to answer to him trying to avoid the male warlord. Just him getting a hold of you, forcing you to look at him. "I am asking you a damn question, ___." Just staring at him, couldn't find the words only he held your face roughly.

"ANSWER ME!!!" Raising his voice, but his face soften see you slowly tear up. The expression on your face says all, begging him not to harm you.. That is something he didn't want to do to you, nor planned. Much didn't care much others lives, but yours was important to him. Hoping to least manipulate you to thinking he was all you need, but how could he?... Let your face go, not another word just walking you back. When making it back, you just head back to the private room quietly. There was very heavy tension between you two, Shen just watched you.. That flower wanted to keep happy, only to wither away slowly.

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