
40 2 13

I think I'm autistic.



Kai sighed in relief when Maya finally finally let go of his hand.

He has honestly completely zoned out the whole walk to whatever room they were now in.

It looked very sciency despite them being in medieval times.

"Zane!" Maya called out.

A familiar looking blond popped his head out of a doorway on the other side of the room and smiled.

"Ah! Your majesties," He greeted as he walked over. "Such a pleasure to have all of you pay me a visit. How may I be of assistance?"

"Zane, my son has been acting strangely, and I believe he may have lost his memory."

Zane's face became concerned.

"Well, that certainly is a problem. Your Highness, if you would not mind following me?" Zane said as he turned to Kai.

Kai shrugged.


Zane gave him a perplexed look.

"I'm afraid I know not of that word's meaning. Regardless, come along."

Zane began walking away.

Kai followed him.

"Have a seat." Zane gestured towards a chair.

Kai sat down.

Zane picked up a staff from where it was resting against a wall and tapped it against Kai's forehead.

Kai scrunched his face in discomfort as a blue shimmer passed across his body.

After just a moment a scroll appeared in Zane's hands.

He unrolled the scroll and scanned over it.

"Hmmm... Curious..." He hummed.

He set the scroll aside and grabbed his staff with both hands.

He cast a rune-like circle into the air and his eyes glowed pure blue.

The rest of them waited for a few minutes.

Zane closed his eyes, the circle disappeared and when he opened his eyes again they were normal.

He turned to this world's versions of Kai's family.

"Pardon me, but would you mind if I had a few moments alone to speak with His Highness?"

"Of course not," Maya answered before escorting the others out and leaving herself.

When the door was closed and they were alone Zane cast some kind of spell, but Kai couldn't tell for what.

Zane seemed to notice his confusion and quickly gave him an answer.

"A muffling spell. To deter prying ears."

Kai nodded in understanding.

"Now, you have not actually lost your memories, have you?" Zane asked.

Kai's eyes widened in surprise, but before he could respond, Zane started talking again.

"In fact, they were never your memories to begin with. You are simply in the Prince's body. However, you are not him."

"How..? How did you know that?" Kai questioned.

"I ventured into your mind to attempt to assess what may have caused the "memory loss", however I quickly realized that this was not the Prince's mind at all. Now, Kai, if that is actually your name..."

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