Where The Fu-!?

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Kai was bored.

It had been rather quiet lately, which left him without much to do.

He doesn't know what led him there, but somehow he ended up in the library section of the monastery.

He hovered around the room, looking at all the books and texts scattered around, when something caught his eye.

A book that seemed to cover fairytales.

He picked up the book, unsure what to make of it.

He inspected the outside, but it seemed normal.

He opened it and began flipping through the pages.

It seemed to be written by someone who was reading fairytales and analyzing them. There was also some other jargon he didn't understand, but that wasn't surprising. At this point in his life, he wasn't even able to read for more than half his life.

He flipped through the book, not really paying attention to the words on the pages.

(He would later realize that maybe actually reading would've been a good idea.)

After a few minutes he closed the book, and was about to put it back where he found it, when he noticed it had started glowing.

"That... Doesn't seem good..." He mumbled to himself.

He tried to drop the book, but found himself unable to remove his hands.

The glow from the book was steadily spreading from the book and covering his body.

He couldn't move his feet either.

He was stuck.

He couldn't move, and he was so paralyzed with fear at this point, he couldn't speak.

The panic only increased as the glow encroached further up his body.

He tried with everything he had to move, but he couldn't.

He tried to call for help, but he found his throat closing up with panic.

He found himself overrun with thoughts.

What was going to happen to him? What was this book doing? Who made this book and why? What if he went missing? What if no one ever found him? What if no one ever found out what happened to him?

Those were the last things he thought before the glow covered his face and his vision went black.


He was awoken by the sound of bells.

"Ah... What the fuck...?" He groaned.

He was laying in what had to be the comfiest, softest, most luxurious bed he had ever even perceived.

It was most certainly not something he could've ever afforded. And he doubted the team would be able to afford something like this.

He sat up, and cried out in pain.

It was incredibly bright, the bells were loud, and he felt like he had the worst hangover in the history of hangovers.

He covered his eyes. And only after the bells had gone away, did he uncover them.

He still winced at the brightness, but it was immediately overshadowed by confusion.

Where was he?

This was nowhere he had ever been before.

It almost reminded him of Vania's castle, but very distinctly different.

He heard knocking on the doors.

"Pardon me, Your Highness. It is time to wake up! Your parents have requested you join them for breakfast!" He heard a cheery voice call.

Uh, what?

What the fuck does she mean, "your highness"?

He turned his head to the, frankly massive, window nearby.

This was not Ninjago.

Sure, some parts of Ninjago were a little old fashioned, but nothing this outdated.

He got out of bed, and nearly vomited.

He braced himself against the wall and stood there until the world stopped spinning.

He hobbled around the room until he found a closet.

He had never seen this many clothes in his life. He had been to department stores many times. But even the largest paled in comparison to the amount of clothing.

He stared in overwhelmed shock at the bars after bars of clothing.

He stood there for who knows how long before he heard a knock at the door again.

"Pardon me, Your Highness. May I enter?" A male voice called this time.

Wait a minute.

Was that-?

He hobbled as fast as he could over to the door and pulled it open enough to see the familiar mop of brown hair falling in front of familiar electric blue eyes.

Holy shit.

"Jay-?" He croaked out confusedly.

"Your Highness?" The taller boy responded with equal confusion. "Are you feeling well?"

Kai blinked blearily at the person who looked, sounded, and shared a name with his friend, but the real Jay would never treat Kai with this much respect.

"Not in the slightest," He croaked again.

"So I can hear. Shall I send for some water for you?"

Kai blinked again, still drowsy and confused.

"Uh, yeah, sure."

Not-Jay seemed a little baffled by something, but said nothing. He instead waved over what appeared to be a passing maid and told her to fetch Kai some water, which she sped off to go do.

"Would you like some assistance in dressing yourself?" Not-Jay offered.

Kai was about to reject, when he remembered all the clothing options in the closet.

"Sure," He agreed after a second.

He stepped aside to allow Not-Jay in.

He had no clue what was going on, but he would play along until he figured it out.

Not-Jay pulled some things out of the closet, and thankfully all Kai had to do was stand and let Not-Jay put them on him.

"Shall I go over what you have scheduled for today?" Not-Jay spoke while buttoning up a clothing item Kai didn't want to think about.

"Uh, sure." Kai nodded.

"First, you have breakfast to attend with your parents and your sister. You have a council with the youngest children of the Spinjitzu Kingdom. You have a meeting with Lady Skylor, and should everything go as planned, you will be unoccupied for the remainder of the day."

Kai was spiraling.

That was so much to take in, in so few words.

The youngest children of the Spinjitzu Kingdom? He didn't know who those people were. What the fuck was a Spinjitzu Kingdom!? Why did he have council with their kids? And a meeting? With Lady Skylor? Like his ex-girlfriend Skylor? Why did he have a meeting with her?

What the fuck was happening!?

Finally, Not-Jay took a step back.

"There. Shall I escort you to the dining hall as well?"

Kai nodded weakly.

They exited the room and Kai did his best to follow Not-Jay while walking beside him and pretending he already knew where he was going.

He needed to figure out how to get home, and fast.

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