Chapter 4

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The first-week performance challenge has already finished.

Lookmai was waiting for her younger sister outside when she spotted Anda with her friends. "Anda!" she shouted at the tall female.

Anda keeps looking around to see who is calling out her name. "Lookmai, are you waiting for your younger sister?" Anda asked.

"Yes, I'm waiting for Lookkaew," Lookkaew's adorable sister replied.

Atom and Pin, Anda's best pals, agreed to go first so they could have a proper conversation. "We will go first, Anda. "Goodbye, Lookmai," the two best friends said; Atom is older than them, so she can't call them Phi.

"Okay, I'll catch up with you two later," Anda said to Atom and Pin.

"So, Anda, if it's okay with you, I'd like to ask you a favor," Lookmai began, smiling at the tall girl.

"What's that? We're friends, so you can ask for any favor."

"So I'm just concerned that my sister will be alone." I mean, you know how I don't normally talk to people I don't know, and my sister is the same way, especially since she's still new to the industry. I'd like to request a favor: look out for my younger sister on my behalf," Lookmai stated with a smile.

Anda scratched her head. "That's all? I thought it would be a difficult favor. Of course I'll watch over your sister and take care of her when you're not around," Anda replied with a smile on her face.

"I'm happy that you're there so I can trust someone for my sister because I've known you before and I know you're kind and caring. So thank you, friend," Lookmai added.

"We will go first because we might get stuck in traffic, and we also need to pick up mom. Good bye, Anda," said Lookmai.

"Okay, take care, you two; I'll remember what we discussed earlier," Anda replied, smiling broadly.

"Thank you, Anda. We will go now."

The sisters were walking away from Anda when the small girl turned to face her and smiled. 'What's that? I can't believe she smiled at me,' Anda told herself, overjoyed by what she saw.

Meanwhile, Lookkaew and Lookmai had been talking in the car.

Lookmai looked at her sister and said, "You should stick with Anda because you'll be safe with her, and just join her team and follow her."

"Okay, P'mai, it seems like both of you are really close to each other," she replied.

"You can say just like that, but she has her own friends and I also have, but we're friends; we talked." Lookmai said.

"So you're saying you don't talk to others in the same way you talk to that tall girl?" Lookkaew asked her sister.

"Yes, because others are loud and nonsense; Anunta is quiet, but she's always funny." Lookmai said.

"That's why I told you to join Anda's team so she can assist you with things you don't know," Lookmai said to her younger sister.


Praewa's POV.

"Mom, the girl earlier is cool, the tall girl." Despite seeing her often in the practice room, I still don't know her name or the names of the other members.

'To be honest, there are a lot of gorgeous and appealing individuals there, especially the short girl; she's so pretty that everyone looks at her; her voice is very good; and she has great dance moves. *Laughing* Why did I say small? I'm also small.' I murmured to my thoughts.

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