Chapter 8

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The last sequence of the series' finale episode has already been completed. Lookkaew and Anda were still in tears.

"I feel bad for that scene because even though it's a happy ending, it seems so sad that they still need to cry at the last scene, crying and kissing," Praewa said.

"Me too; I feel bad about them crying a lot."Noon said.

"I want to react to the series if it's already released," stated Mer.

"Omg! Mer, you are like a ghost who suddenly showed up," Devi said.

They can all go home, and the group arranged to eat at the restaurant to celebrate finishing the final episode filming. "We should all celebrate it," scene exclaimed with delight.
They're all quite excited.

"Me and P'mai need to go home now; I'll just go with you guys if I'm not too busy anymore; tomorrow is also my graduation."

"Is it already your graduation tomorrow?"Pin said.

Atom, Devi, Noon, Praewa, and Pin looked at Anda. Pin whispered to Anda, "You are still going to carry out your plan? "

"Yes, I will tell her tomorrow," Anda stated confidently.

So the two sisters are already on their way home. "We need to go right now, guys," Lookkaew said.

"Thank you, and see you next time," Lookmai stated.

Lookkaew hugged each member, and when it was her turn to hug Anda, she smiled at the tall girl, and all of the members, including Lookmai, were looking at them.

"Thank you for today and all the other days." She hugged Anda, who hugged her back.

Devi, Noon, and Praewa are holding back, blushing as they slightly slapped Atom.

"Take care of both of you, and let me know if you arrived home safely, little one," Anda replied with a smile on her face.

Devi then whispered to Pin. "Little one," and both she and Pin were secretly giggling.

"It feels like I'm watching a cute love story here. Oh! The series just ended, but they are still in character," scene said in a low voice.

The two sisters had already entered their car, and everyone waved goodbye to them.

"Good bye, you two! We will take care of your future partner, P'Lookkaew, and we will take care of your sister-in-law, P'lookmai," Praewa shouted.

Pin moves towards Anda. "It seems like you are becoming braver each day, and tomorrow it will be a good day for you. So let's talk about your plan."

"Let's just talk about the plan to the restaurant that Bua reserves for all of us," Atom spoke in.

"Okay, Atom, who will be riding with you?" Pin said.

"I'll ride with Devi. Let's let Praewa ride with P'atom because she's still a kid." Noon said.

Devi questioned Mer, "Mer, are you coming with us?" Mer responded,

"Yeah! I'll just follow you, Dev." while they're all inside the vehicle. The Star Hunter Agency team sent them a notification.

Praewa questions Anda, "P'anda, why didn't you congratulate, P'lookkaew on our group chat?"

Anda showed Praewa her phone and said, "Because of this."


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