Chapter 6

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Their first rehearsal for acting is complete, and they are all simply talking and playing.

"I'm bored; what should we do?" Devi inquired of the other members. The others are simply on their phones.

*yawn* "Ahhh! I am sleepy; can we sleep for a while?" Noon said.

"You can sleep, and we will leave you here. We will tell the staff that no one is here, so they will turn off the lights and lock the room." Praewa said.

"N'praewa loved to tease her P'noon," Scene explained.

"Well, she likes to tease everyone, including me." Noon said.

Pin asked Lookkaew. "N'lookkaew, is your sister going to pick you up?"

"I'm not sure, P'pin, why?" Lookkaew questioned Pin.

"Ahh, we were wondering if you could come with us today; do you want to join us?" Atom asked, looking at the other members.

"Yes, would you like to come with us?" Pin asked.

Lookkaew responded, "My sister will pick me up, P'atom, maybe next time."

"Okay, next time we'll just go to your house to see your mother as well. Right, Anda? Pin said.

"I'm more comfortable with that, P'pin," Lookkaew said to Pin.

All of the members went on to a restaurant.

"Honestly, P'lookkaew is the type of girl who doesn't post on social media about what she's doing or where she is. She's more private than us, like if we do live, she just usually sings or plays with her cat," Praewa went on to say.

"That's a good thing; once she'll date someone, she is focused on that person, not on other people," scene said.

"Did she ever date anyone before?" Pin asked the members.

Jenny was thinking. "I believe she hasn't; she mentioned to me during our trainee days that a lot of guys liked her, but she doesn't like them," Jenny remarked.

"She went to an international school, right? And we forgot she is still studying; that's why she can't come with us." Scene said. "By the way, someone is missing."

"P'lookkaew?" Praewa asked.

Noon said, "No, it was P'anda, the missing person."

Pin and Atom were shocked. "What?" they both exclaimed at the same time.

"I thought Anda was just following us; she said she would follow," Atom said. "That girl, seriously!" *sighs*

While the members were discussing, someone familiar with them passed by, and Jenny saw the girl. "Isn't that P'lookkaew?"

Lookkaew saw her members, as did her family members.

"Good evening, mom, dad of Lookkaew, and her sister." The members greet them with a great smile.

"You all are here too," Mrs. Sangsubsin remarked.

"Let's eat together; it'll be my treat," Lookkaew's father suggested.

Lookmai was searching for someone. "Oh, where is Anda?" Lookmai asked the members.

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