Chapter_2 Heartbreak💔Pain is worse than death.

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In the morning....


"Ngh.."The wrecked mess Lan Wangji slowly rose up from his beauty sleep but winch feeling his head throbbing and entire body is paining like he did some unusual hardcore activities that had his muscles stiff & aching.

"Ah...its hurts..."Hissing in pain! Lan Wangji was unable to open his doe eyes as he lick his dry lips only to feel a stingy sensation burning him. But what irritated him more was His head which was feeling so heavy like someone hitted him hard.

"Eh...whats happening??.."Clutching his throbbing head with Both hands...Lan Wangji slowly open his heavy eyelids but he gasp when cold air brushed against his body. He instantly looked at himself to see he's naked. His golden brown orbs instantly widen in pure horror as he seems in daze. Unable to decipher what happened yesterday night that left him in this conditions? But his mind is blank. he raked his eyes over his body to see it looks bruised red and kinda wounded like someone tried to eat him alive!.

"These bitten marks? Why im so much hurt? Did I fight with someone yesterday night which is why im in so much pain?. " Lan Wangji run his brain in daze. Not bothering to acknowledge the person sleeping besides him.

Torn out from his trance, Lan Wangji decided to freshen up first before Pondering about yesterday night only to regret hard as he hissed in pain and almost fall from the bed if he didn't take a instant hold & brace himself. His entire body was aching like hell, especially his lower part which is burning & paining a lot but why? He seems unable to distinguish the mystery yet.

"Good morning Wangji..."A raspy voice of Wei Wuxian jolted Wangji to reality.

" W-Wei gege???..."Lan Wangji almost scream out the name as he was startled by the older presence on his room. He instantly raked his eyes to see Wuxian was sleeping all the time besides him that too with naked body??.

Lan Wangji could feel his body went numb and eyes went big as soccer due to shock. He seems still not able to understanding the situation yet. His mind gone blank seeing the older without string of clothes on his well built body.

"What actually happened here?? Why we're naked? Why my mind is fuzzy? Why i can't remember anything?. " Wangji was internally fighting with himself while Wuxian looks unbotheted

Instead the older smile at him cutely! showing his pearly bunny teeth that made the young jade to fall in love with him harder.

Gulping his saliva roughly to fade away the dryness from his throat. Lan Wangji slowly lift his blanket upto to confirm his doubt of being fully naked or not and he shut his eyes seeing he's indeed fully disclosed in front of a man.

The possibility of what might have happened yesterday picking the jade.

"W-what is it W-wei Gege??...why we?...uh...i mean...How?..."Wangji Only could manage to pronounce these words.

"Huh?..." Wuxian frown in confusion but then latter he understood what the younger meants when he saw himself stark naked. And the last night image slowly flashing in front of his eyes.

" mean that??..Well....actually...that..... Umm...we Both Were drunk last night happened.." Wei Wuxian shutter out those words nervously without knowing he actually shattered the young jade fragile heart too.

"And what it means 'it happened'??. "Shoot back Lan Wangji with glistening eyes. His heart breaking into pieces when slowly the image of them making love intensely flashed and it broke him Wuxian giving it name a drunken mistake.

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