Escape Loudly

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Skinny Malone's thugs led me to a cafeteria area. Tables had boxes of rations and MRE packages stored ontop of them and a man stood at the window to an office. He glanced over his shoulder curiously.

"What did you catch boys?" His voice annoyed me and I sighed loudly.

"A psycho and a dog for Skinny." One of them responded then pushed me forward. "Open the damn door, we are stuffing her in there."

"What about Valentine?" The guy sounded dumbstruck as he watched the group pushing me toward him. His eyes caught mine and I glared darkly.

"We're here Dino, now open the fucking door."

"Jeez, fine! What's got you so worked up?"

"This bitch killed Marcus! Ontop of that, she plowed her way through the rest of our gang before entering the Vault. Skinny Malone will want to deal with her personally."

"I see..." He operated the terminal opening the door. A gun shoved me inside and the door shut again. Dogmeat whimpered and scratched at it.

"Bastards!" My voice echoed. "I'll kill you all!" My fist banged on the door and I froze when someone spoke behind me.

"Much as I like the reverse damsel in distress in this situation...why are you here?" Turning my attention to the source, my eyes widened. A man...or machine stood infront of me wearing an old trench coat with a fedora. He lit a cigarette and offered it too me.

"I...I don't mean to be rude but...what..are you?" Taking the cigarette gently, I took a drag off of it, handing it back to him. Smoke exited my mouth when I exhaled loudly.

"I am Nick Valentine, a Detective. My question is, why did our heroine..or now captive risk life and limb for an old private eye?"

"I'm...looking for someone. He was kidnapped as a baby..I don't know who took him or where they went.." Rubbing the back of my neck, I sighed. "I'm Ceslay Reeds..Brotherhood of Steel."

"So your with the Brotherhood eh? Something tells me you are skipping out on a big story..You've got time to tell it since we have to wait for Malone to get back." He went over sitting down ontop of the desk. This looked like an Overseers office.

"'s complicated.." Hugging myself, Dogmeat whined trotting over to Nick. He sniffed the robot mans hand and wagged his tail. "Are you come kind of robot?"

"Yes..I'm a synth." When he said synth my training told me to kill him instantly, but he was the only lead I had on finding Nora's murderer and Shaun.

"So you were with the Institute?"

"Once...I escaped and became a Detective. I don't have much memory of my past life." He sighed taking a drag off his cigarette again. "You said you are with the Brotherhood of Steel, means I should die, but you aren't killing me..why?"

"You're the only chance I have to find the missing child..." Looking away, I noticed the room had some holotaps, notebooks, pens, would be useful to take some of it with me. "Besides, you don't look like a threat."

"So business." He replied, I nodded. "I'd love to help you, Ms. Reeds, but we need to get out of here first. Got any ideas?"

"Not at the moment.." Looking around, I noticed the only way out was the terminal which was operated by the person who stood watch at the door. "Dogmeat, got an ideas boy?"

The pup sniffed around and ruffed opening a locker with his paw. He picked something up, bringing it over to Nick.

"Smart dog..A holotape for the terminal can open the door." Heading over to the computer, he punched the holotape in and started working the controls. His bright yellow eyes focused and scanned the coding. "I can get it open, still need to deal with meat for brains outside the door."

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