General's Return

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Ceslay Reeds

Sanctuary Hill's circled underneath the vertibird as it banked. There was a landing spot where a house used to be. They must of cleared it out while I was away. There we more houses, farms, settlers and livestock as well. Preston has been busy for sure. Makes me wonder what he did to my truck stop...

"Your destination Ma'am!" Decker yelled over the whir of the blades as the vertibird touched down. "Thank you for flying air Decker."

I giggled at his play of the words, because I remember the airport saying that every time you boarded a flight. Grabbing my bag, I leaped from the platform and landed swiftly on the concrete foundation. Waving to the soldier, the vertibird whirred back to life and rose into the sky. A heavy feeling on my chest released as I took in a deep breath of fresh air.

"I'm back." I said to myself, looking at my surroundings. "This place has turned into a city."

"It sure has." Preston Garvey, Colonel of the Commonwealth Minutemen appeared from around the corner of a shop. "Welcome back, General. We were beginning to wonder when you would return."

"Hey." I said and heard a bark. "Dogmeat!?" The Shepard came running towards me and knocked me over as he jumped up to lick my face. We landed hard on the ground and I shrieked, laughing so much it hurt. "Gah! Dogmeat, get off me boy!"

He pouted but removed his heavy furry body from mine and sat down next to me as I sat up. His tail was wagging excitedly and he ruffed again.

"Good boy." Glancing back up at Preston who was grinning like an idiot, I sighed softly. "So what have I missed?"

"A lot actually. If you want, we can get you settled at the inn here or take a walk to your house." He gave me an offer to try the inn and I looked at the setting sun.

"I'll stay here for the night if that's alright. I've got caps." Before I could open my bag, he shook his head.

"It's covered because you helped us." He smiled. "Come on, let's get you something to eat." He offered me a hand and I gripped it as he pulled me from the ground. "You smell like a wet dog now."

Sniffing myself, I grimaced. "Yeah, you are correct.. Now tell me Preston, what's happened while I was gone?"

As we walked he explained the updates of events.

"After you left, we spent our time scavenging for parts and supplies to rebuild this settlement. Mama Murphy brought some settlers from the main city here using a radio station we call Radio Freedom. It's set up next to the inn with a radio tower." He pointed at building next to the old yellow house that still stood. There were houses that towered the street that was made by the buildings that surrounded it. They were mostly wood cabins but it worked. There was power even because the street lights glowed once more.

"So, you guys are building a small town slash city then?" My question was answered with a nod as Preston stopped in front of a door.

"Remember this place? It was just a house with a workshop, armor bench and a weapons bench." He went inside and opened the main door. "Now, it's a common place for people to repair their gear, buy gear, sell gear and upgrade their findings."

"Nice." Giving him a thumbs up, I noticed some settlers staring at me. "Oh yeah.. hi there! Knight Ceslay Reeds. General of the Minutemen."

"You're with the Brotherhood of Steel?" One of them, a lady dressed in rags eyed me suspiciously. "One of their squads burned down a settlement last week..."

"I didn't know about it.. I'm sorry." Frowning, I sighed. "Has the faction been an issue?" My eyes snapped in Preston's direction and he nodded.

"You've missed a lot. Does the Elder know you are a General?" He raised a brow.

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